File :
-- Win_IO --
-- A simple set of packages for graphical input and output --
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 2001-2010 --
-- Universidad de Cantabria, SPAIN --
-- --
-- Author: Michael Gonzalez --
-- --
-- This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or --
-- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public --
-- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either --
-- version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. --
-- --
-- This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, --
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of --
-- General Public License for more details. --
-- --
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public --
-- License along with this program; if not, write to the --
-- Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, --
-- Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. --
-- --
-- --
-- The Output_Windows package provides a simple window with --
-- Outout capabilities for data of the types Integer, Float, and --
-- String. --
-- Several data can be displayed on the same window --
-- --
-- This package requires Gtkada-2.2.0 or later --
-- --
with Named_Lists;
with Var_Strings;
with Output_Window_Pkg;
with Gtk.Label; use Gtk.Label;
with Gtk.Gentry; use Gtk.GEntry;
with Windows_Exceptions;
package Output_Windows is
-- An Output_Window is a window that provides the following items:
-- - A scrollable area on which many output boxes may
-- be created. Each box has a label and an area that
-- is used to display a value of type Integer, Float, or String
-- - An OK button that indicates that the user has finished viewing
-- the data
type Output_Window_Type is private;
-- OUTPUT_WINDOW Operations
-- Output_Window (Title) -- Create the window, with the
-- -- specified title
-- Create_Box (OW, -- Create a display box on the OW window
-- Label, -- with this label
-- Initial_Value) -- and this value (Integer)
-- -- may raise Repeated_Label
-- Create_Box (OW, -- Create a display box on the OW window
-- Label, -- with this label
-- Initial_Value) -- and this value (Float)
-- -- may raise Repeated_Label
-- Create_Box (OW, -- Create a display box on the OW window
-- Label, -- with this label
-- Initial_Value) -- and this initial value (String)
-- -- may raise Repeated_Label
-- Update_Box (OW, -- Update the display box on the OW window
-- Label, -- with this label
-- Initial_Value) -- using this value (Integer)
-- -- may raise Label_Not_Found
-- Update_Box (OW, -- Update the display box on the OW window
-- Label, -- with this label
-- Initial_Value) -- using this value (Float)
-- -- may raise Label_Not_Found
-- Update_Box (OW, -- Update the display box on the OW window
-- Label, -- with this label
-- Initial_Value) -- using this initial value (String)
-- -- may raise Label_Not_Found
-- Draw (OW) -- Draws the window, and returns
-- -- immediately
-- Wait (OW) -- Draws the window and then
-- -- wait for the OK button to be pressed.
-- -- This will an indication that the data on
-- -- the entry boxes has been viewed
-- -- Before returning, it hides the window
-- Close (OW) -- Destroys the window, which now becomes
-- -- unavailable
function Output_Window
(Title : String)
return Output_Window_Type;
procedure Create_Box
(OW : in out Output_Window_Type;
Label : String;
Initial_Value : String);
-- may raise Repeated_Label
procedure Create_Box
(OW : in out Output_Window_Type;
Label : String;
Initial_Value : Integer);
-- may raise Repeated_Label
procedure Create_Box
(OW : in out Output_Window_Type;
Label : String;
Initial_Value : Float);
-- may raise Repeated_Label
procedure Update_Box
(OW : in out Output_Window_Type;
Label : String;
New_Value : String);
-- may raise Label_Not_Found
procedure Update_Box
(OW : in out Output_Window_Type;
Label : String;
New_Value : Integer);
-- may raise Label_Not_Found
procedure Update_Box
(OW : in out Output_Window_Type;
Label : String;
New_Value : Float);
-- may raise Label_Not_Found
procedure Close
(OW : in out Output_Window_Type);
procedure Draw
(OW : in out Output_Window_Type);
procedure Wait
(OW : in out Output_Window_Type);
Label_Not_Found : exception renames Windows_Exceptions.Label_Not_Found;
Repeated_Label : exception renames Windows_Exceptions.Repeated_Label;
type Output_Entry is record
Name, Value : Var_Strings.Var_String;
Text_Entry : Gtk_Entry;
Text_Label : Gtk_Label;
end record;
function Name (E : Output_Entry ) return Var_Strings.Var_String;
package Lists is new Named_Lists (Output_Entry,Name);
type Output_Window_Type is record
Win : Output_Window_Pkg.Output_Window_Access;
Entries : Lists.List;
end record;
end Output_Windows;