Universidad de Cantabria, SPAIN
Author: Michael Gonzalez mgh@unican.es
Win_IO is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
with Plot_Windows; use Plot_Windows; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Numerics.Elementary_Functions; use Ada.Numerics.Elementary_Functions; procedure Test_Plot_Window is Plot : Plot_Window_Type:=Plot_Window("Test Plot Window","Degrees", "Value"); X : Float; begin -- Sin Graph Set_Color(Plot,Blue); Set_Symbol(Plot,Circle); Set_Lines(Plot,True); Set_Graph_Title(Plot,"Sin(x)"); X:=0.0; for I in 1..100 loop Add_Point(Plot,X,Sin(X,360.0)); X:=X+10.0; end loop; -- Cos Graph New_Graph(Plot); Set_Color(Plot,Red); Set_Symbol(Plot,Up_Triangle); Set_Lines(Plot,False); Set_Graph_Title(Plot,"Cos(x)"); X:=0.0; for I in 1..100 loop Add_Point(Plot,X,Cos(X,360.0)); X:=X+10.0; end loop; -- Paint the plot Wait(Plot); Put_Line("Test Completed"); end Test_Plot_Window;