Application-Level Evaluation of IEEE 802.1AS
Synchronized Time and Linux for Distributed Real-Time
Héctor Pérez Tijero, J. Javier Gutiérrez and Diego García
ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS) 24, 1,
Article 13, pp. 1-16, January 2025.
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Using MAST for Modeling and Response-Time Analysis of
Real-Time Applications with GPUs.
Iosu Gomez, Unai Díaz de Cerio, Jorge Parra, Juan M. Rivas,
J. Javier Gutiérrez and Michael González Harbour.
28th Ada-Europe International Conference on Reliable
Software Technologies (AEiC 2024), Journal of Systems
Architecture 157 (103300), Elsevier, December 2024.
Design, Building and Deployment of Smart Applications
for Anomaly Detection and Failure Prediction in Industrial
Use Cases.
Ricardo Dintén and Marta Zorrilla.
Information, 15(9), 557, September 2024.
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Model-based tool for the design, configuration and
deployment of data-intensive applications in hybrid
environments: An Industry 4.0 case study.
Ricardo Dintén, Patricia López Martínez and Marta Zorrilla.
Journal of Industrial Information Integration 41
(100668), Elsevier, September 2024.
Domain-specific languages for the automated generation
of datasets for industry 4.0 applications.
Brian Sal, Diego García-Saiz, Alfonso de la Vega, and Pablo
Journal of Industrial Information Integration 41
(100657), Elsevier, September 2024.
[Download PDF]
On the Integration of DDS and AFDX standards.
Héctor Pérez Tijero and J. Javier Gutiérrez.
30th IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time
Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA 2024), Sokcho
(South Korea), IEEE, pp.73-84, August 2024.
[Download PDF]
Gradient Descent Algorithm for the Optimization of Fixed
Priorities in Real-Time Systems.
Juan M. Rivas, J. Javier Gutiérrez, Ana Guasque and Patricia
28th Ada-Europe International Conference on Reliable
Software Technologies (AEiC 2024), in Journal of Systems
Architecture 153 (103198), Elsevier, August 2024.
[Download PDF]
Towards a General Framework to Model, Analyze and
Optimize Real-time Systems with GPUs.
Iosu Gómez, Juan M. Rivas, J. Javier Gutiérrez, Jorge Parra
and Unai Díaz de Cerio.
The Brussels wOrkshop on real-time Scheduling and Operating
system syNergies (BOSON), Brussels (Belgium), March 2024.
[Download PDF]
Minimizing incident response time in real-world
scenarios using quantum computing.
M. Serrano, L.E. Sánchez, A. Santos-Olmo, D. G. Rosado, C.
Blanco, V. Barletta, D. Caivano and E. Fernández-Medina.
Software Quality Journal 32 (1), Springer, pp. 163-192,
March 2024.
An ontology-based secure design framework for
graph-based databases.
M. Paneque, MM. Roldán-García, C. Blanco, A. Maté, D. G.
Rosado, and J. Trujillo.
Computer Standards & Interfaces 88, Article 103801,
Elsevier, March 2024.
Uso de GPUs en aplicaciones de tiempo real: Una revisión
de técnicas para el análisis y optimización de parámetros
Iosu Gomez, Unai Díaz-de-Cerio, Jorge Parra, Juan M. Rivas,
and J. Javier Gutiérrez.
Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática
industrial (RIAI) 21(1), pp. 1-16, December 2023.
PDF in Spanish]
Onto-CARMEN: Ontology-driven approach for Cyber–Physical
System Security Requirements meta-modelling and reasoning.
C. Blanco, D. G. Rosado, A.J. Varela-Vaca, M.T. Gómez-López,
and E. Fernández-Medina.
Internet of Things 24, Article 100989, Elsevier,
December 2023.
Towards an integrated risk analysis security framework
according to a systematic analysis of existing proposals.
A. Santos-Olmo, L.E. Sánchez, D. G.Rosado, M. Serrano,
C.Blanco, H. Mouratidis and E. Fernández-Medina.
Frontiers of Computer Science 18 (3), Article 183808,
Springer, November 2023.
Towards an Interoperable Textual Format for Model
Differences Reporting.
Alfonso de la Vega.
2023 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven
Engineering Languages and Systems Companion (MODELS-C),
Västerås (Sweden), pp. 924-928, October 2023.
Towards the Specification and Generation of Time Series
Datasets from Data Lakes.
Brian Sal, Alfonso de la Vega, Patricia López Martínez,
Diego García-Saiz, Alicia Grande, David López, and Pablo
13th International Model-Driven Requirements Engineering
Workshop (MoDRE), co-located with the 31st IEEE
International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE 2023),
Hannover (Germany), September 2023.
Arquitectura de un Framework para la Generación
Automatizada de Datasets Temporales en Data Lakes.
Brian Sal, Alfonso de la Vega, Patricia López Martínez,
Diego García-Saiz, Alicia Grande, David López, and Pablo
XXVII Jornadas de Ingeniería del Software y Bases de Datos
(JISBD 2023), Ciudad Real (Spain), September 2023.
PDF in Spanish]
Laredo: democratización de análisis de flujos de datos
para el mantenimiento predictivo.
Ricardo Dintén, and Marta Zorrilla..
XXVII Jornadas de Ingeniería del Software y Bases de Datos
(JISBD 2023), Ciudad Real (Spain), September 2023.
PDF in Spanish]
Flexmi: a generic and modular textual syntax for
domain-specific modelling.
Dimitris Kolovos, and Alfonso de la Vega.
Software and Systems Modeling 22(4), pp. 1197-1215, August
From FMTV to WATERS: Lessons Learned from the First
Verification Challenge at ECRTS.
S. Altmeyer, É. André, S. Dal Zilio, L. Fejoz, M. González
Harbour, S. Graf, J.J. Gutiérrez, R. Henia, D. Le Botlan, G.
Lipari, J.L. Medina, N. Navet, S. Quinton, J.M. Rivas, and
Y. Sun.
35th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS 2023),
Vienna (Austria), Leibniz International Proceedings in
Informatics (LIPIcs), Volume 262, Article 19, and Dagstuhl
Artifacts Series (DARTS), Volume 9 (1), Article 4, July
PDF] [Download
Analysis and Optimization of Real-Time Applications
Running on Heterogeneous Hardware.
Iosu Gomez, Unai Díaz-de-Cerio, Jorge Parra, Juan M. Rivas,
and J. Javier Gutiérrez.
35th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS 2023),
Vienna (Austria), Industrial Challenge (Early Stage
Proposal), July 2023.
[Download PDF]
Towards a Quantum World in Cybersecurity Land.
M.A. Serrano, L.E. Sanchez, A. Santos-Olmo, D.G. Rosado, C.
Blanco, and E. Fernandez-Medina.
Workshop on Cyber Security Education for Industry and
Academia (CSE4IA 2023), Cagliari (Italy), June 2023.
[Download PDF]
Response-time analysis of mesh-based many-core systems.
David GarcíaVillaescusa, Mario Aldea Rivas, and Michael
González Harbour.
26th Ada-Europe International Conference on Reliable
Software Technologies (AEiC 2022), in Journal of Systems
Architecture 134, Elsevier, January 2023.
[Download PDF]
Optimization in Heterogeneous Distributed Real-Time
Systems based on Partitioning.
Andoni Amurrio, J. Javier Gutiérrez, Mario Aldea, and Ekain
43rd IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS), Industry
Challenge, Houston (USA), December 2022.
[Download PDF]
Theme section on model-driven requirements engineering.
Ana Moreira, Gunter Mussbacher, João Araújo, and Pablo
Guest Editorial, Software and Systems Modeling 21(6),
Springer, December 2022.
[Download PDF]
EDF scheduling for distributed systems built upon the
IEEE 802.1AS clock - A theoretical-practical comparison.
Héctor Pérez Tijero, and J. Javier Gutiérrez.
26th Ada-Europe International Conference on Reliable
Software Technologies (AEiC 2022), in Journal of Systems
Architecture 132, Elsevier, November 2022.
Fleet management systems in Logistics 4.0 era: a real
time distributed and scalable architectural proposal.
Ricardo Dintén, Sebastián García,
and Marta Zorrilla.
4th International Conference on
Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing, Hagenberg Campus -
Linz (Austria), in Procedia Computer Science 217,
pp. 806-815, November 2022.
Managing Cybersecurity Risks of Cyber-Physical Systems:
The MARISMA-CPS pattern.
D. G.Rosado, A. Santos-Olmo, L.E. Sánchez, M. Serrano,
C.Blanco, H. Mouratidis and E. Fernández-Medina.
Computers in Industry 142, Article 103715, Elsevier,
November 2022.
[Download PDF]
Partition window assignment in hierarchically scheduled
time-partitioned distributed real-time systems with
multipath flows.
Andoni Amurrio, J. Javier Gutiérrez, Mario Aldea, and Ekain
26th Ada-Europe International Conference on Reliable
Software Technologies (AEiC 2022), in Journal of Systems
Architecture 130, Elsevier, September 2022.
[Download PDF]
Minería de flujos de datos en entornos heterogéneos y
distribuidos: aplicación en la Industria 4.0.
Ricardo Dintén, Patricia López, Juan Yebenes, and Marta
Jornadas de Ingeniería del Software y Bases de Datos
(JISBD), Santiago de Compostela, September 2022.
PDF in Spanish]
Vaultage: Automatic Generation of Secure Communication
around Decentralised User-Managed Data Vaults.
Alfa Yohannis, Alfonso de la Vega, and Dimitris Kolovos.
Journal of Object Technology 21(3), pp. 1-14, July 2022.
A reference framework for the implementation of Data
Governance Systems for Industry 4.0.
Juan Yebenes, and Marta Zorrilla.
Computer Standards & Interfaces 81, April 2022.
An efficient line-based approach for resolving merge
conflicts in XMI-based models.
Alfonso de la Vega and Dimitris Kolovos.
Software and Systems Modeling (Online first), March 2022.
[Download PDF]
Special issue on Reliable Software Technologies
J. Javier Gutiérrez and Mario Aldea Rivas.
Guest Editorial, Journal of Systems Architecture 124,
Elsevier, March 2022.
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Security policies by design in NoSQL document databases.
C. Blanco, D. García-Saiz, D. G.Rosado, A. Santos-Olmo,
J.Peral, A.Maté, J.Trujillo and E. Fernández-Medina.
Journal of Information Security and Applications (JISA) 65:
103-120, March 2022.
[Download PDF]
Priority assignment in hierarchically scheduled
time-partitioned distributed real-time systems with
multipath flows.
Andoni Amurrio, J. Javier Gutiérrez, Mario Aldea, and Ekain
17th International Conference on Embedded Software and
Systems (ICESS), in Journal of Systems Architecture 122,
Elsevier, January 2022.
[Download PDF]
A Data Governance Framework for Industry 4.0.
Juan Yebenes, and Marta Zorrilla.
IEEE Latin America Transactions 19(12), December
[Download PDF]
A big data-centric architecture metamodel for Industry
Patricia López Martínez, Ricardo Dintén, José M. Drake, and
Marta Zorrilla.
Future Generation Computer Systems 125, pp.
263–284, December 2021.
Special issue on advances in reliable software
technologies (AdaEurope20).
Mario Aldea Rivas.
Guest Editorial, Journal of Systems Architecture 119,
Elsevier, October 2021.
[Download PDF]
Queuing ports for mesh based many‐core processors.
David García Villaescusa, Mario Aldea Rivas y Michael
González Harbourz.
25th Ada-Europe International Conference on Reliable
Software Technologies (AEiC 2021), Work in Progress Session,
joint publication, Ada User Journal 42 (3-4), pp. 189-192,
ACM SIGAda Ada Letters 41 (2), pp 66-70, December 2021.
[Download PDF]
Fostering study time outside class using gamification
strategies: An experimental study at tertiary‐level
database courses.
Marta Elena Zorrilla Pantaleón, Diego García‐Saiz, and
Alfonso de la Vega.
Computers Applications in Engineering Education 29(5), pp.
1340-1357, September 2021.
[Download PDF]
Contrastando teoría y práctica en sistemas distribuidos
de tiempo real con planificación EDF.
J. Javier Gutiérrez, Diego García Prieto, and Héctor Pérez.
Congreso Español de Informática (CEDI 2021), VI Simposio de
Sistemas de Tiempo Real, Málaga, September 2021.
[Download PDF in Spanish]
Desarrollo dirigido por modelos de políticas de
seguridad en bases de datos orientadas a grafos.
Carlos Blanco, David G. Rosado and Eduardo Fernández-Medina.
Jornadas de Ingeniería del Software y Bases de Datos
(JISBD), Málaga, September 2021.
[Download PDF in Spanish]
Improving security in NoSQL document databases through
model-driven modernization.
Alejandro Maté, Jesús Peral, Juan Trujillo, Carlos Blanco,
Diego García-Saiz and Eduardo Fernández-Medina.
Knowledge and Information Systems (KAIS), Volume 63(8),
pp.2209-2230, August 2021.
[Download PDF]
Arquitectura de referencia para el diseño y desarrollo
de aplicaciones para la Industria 4.0.
Ricardo Dintén, Patricia López Martínez, and Marta Zorrilla.
Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e
Informática industrial (RIAI) 18(3), pp. 300-311, July 2021.
PDF in Spanish]
Automated Generation of Datasets from Fishbone Diagrams.
Brian Sal, Diego García-Saiz and Pablo Sánchez.
10th International Conference on Model and Data Engineering
(MEDI2021), Tallinn (Estonia), June 2021.
[Download PDF]
How windows size and number can influence the
schedulability of hierarchically-scheduled
time-partitioned distributed real-time systems.
Andoni Amurrio, Ekain Azketa, Mario Aldea and J. Javier
25th Ada-Europe International Conference on Reliable
Software Technologies (AEiC 2021), Work in Progress Session,
joint publication, Ada User Journal 42 (2), pp. 101-104, ACM
SIGAda Ada Letters 41 (1), pp 64-68, June 2021.
[Download PDF]
M2OS for Arduino Uno: Ada tasks and Arduino libraries
working together.
Mario Aldea Rivas and Héctor Pérez Tijero.
25th Ada-Europe International Conference on Reliable
Software Technologies (AEiC 2021), Work in Progress Session,
joint publication, Ada User Journal 42 (2), pp. 113-116, ACM
SIGAda Ada Letters 41 (1), pp 78-82, June 2021.
[Download PDF]
First steps towards an IEEE 802.1AS clock for EDF
scheduling in distributed real-time systems.
Héctor Pérez Tijero, Diego García Prieto and J. Javier
25th Ada-Europe International Conference on Reliable
Software Technologies (AEiC 2021), Work in Progress Session,
joint publication, Ada User Journal 42 (2), pp. 121-124, ACM
SIGAda Ada Letters 41 (1), pp 87-91, June 2021.
[Download PDF]
David García Villaescusa, Mario Aldea Rivas and Michael
González Harbour.
Second Workshop on Next Generation Real-Time Embedded
Systems (NG-RES 2021), DROPS, January 2021.
[Download PDF]
Non-Blocking Synchronization Between Real-Time and
Non-Real-Time Applications.
Alejandro Pérez Ruiz, Mario Aldea Rivas, and Michael
González Harbour.
IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 147618-147634, August
Lavoisier: A DSL for increasing the level of abstraction
of data selection and formatting in data mining.
Alfonso de la Vega, Diego García-Saiz, Marta E. Zorrilla,
and Pablo Sánchez.
Data mining. J. Comput. Lang. 60: 100987, April
Best Paper Award - Journal of Computer Languages
Mortadelo: Automatic generation of NoSQL stores from
platform-independent data models.
Alfonso de la Vega , Diego García-Saiz, Carlos Blanco, Marta
E. Zorrilla, and Pablo Sánchez.
Future Gener. Comput. Syst. 105: 455-474, April
Lavoisier: High-Level Selection and Preparation of Data
for Analysis.
Alfonso de la Vega, Diego García-Saiz, Marta E. Zorrilla,
and Pablo Sánchez.
9th International Conference on Model and Data Engineering,
MEDI 2019, Toulouse, France, in LNCS 11815, pp. 50-66,
October 2019.
[Download PDF]
P3forI4: arquitectura de referencia para soporte de
Industria 4.0 basada en tecnología big data
Dintén R., Yebenes J., López Martínez P., Zorrilla M. and
Drake J.M.
JTR2019: XXI Jornadas de Tiempo Real. Ferrol,
September 2019.
[Download PDF
in Spanish]
Apache Cassandra como Gestor de Persistencia de la
plataforma P3forI4 diseñada para la Industria 4.0.
Dintén R., Zorrilla M. E., López Martínez P. and Drake J.M.
JTR2019: XXI Jornadas de Tiempo Real. Ferrol,
September 2019.
[Download PDF
in Spanish]
Extensión de Moodle para la evaluación automática de
ejercicios de programación en Java.
Guillermo Quintana, Héctor Pérez, Mario Aldea, Julio Medina,
Rubén Sebrango.
XXV Jornadas sobre Enseñanza Universitaria de la
Informática (JENUI), Vol 4, pp. 151-157, July 2019.
PDF in Spanish]
S3Mining: A model-driven engineering approach for
supporting novice data miners in selecting suitable
classifiers .
Roberto Espinosa, Diego García-Saiz, Marta E. Zorrilla, José
Jacobo Zubcoff and Jose-Norberto Mazón.
Computer Standards & Interfaces 65: 143-158
BERNARD, an energy intelligent system for raising
residential users awareness.
Marta Zorrilla and Álvaro Ibrain.
Computers & Industrial Engineering, v.135,
September 2019, Pages 492-499.
Sociograms: An Effective Tool for Decision Making in
Social Learning.
Marta Zorrilla and Mariana de Lima Silva.
Technology, Knowledge and Learning, 2019. pp.
Towards a Data Governance Framework for Third
Generation Platforms.
Juan Yebenes and Marta Zorrilla.
Procedia Computer Science, Volume 151, 2019, pp.
Fomentando el trabajo autónomo mediante técnicas de
Alfonso de la Vega, Diego García Saiz and Marta Zorrilla.
Jornadas sobre Enseñanza Universitaria de la
Informática (JENUI). Vol. 4, pp. 159-166. ISSN: 2531-0607,
July 2019.
[Download PDF in Spanish]
Leveraging real-time and multitasking Ada capabilities
to small microcontrollers.
Mario Aldea Rivas and Héctor Pérez Tijero.
Journal of Systems Architecture, vol. 94, pp.
32-41, March 2019.
Aplicaciones Ada en Android con requisitos de tiempo
Alejandro Perez Ruiz, Mario Aldea Rivas and Michael González
Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e
Informática industrial (RIAI) 16(3), pp 264-272, June 2019.
PDF in Spanish]
Una revisión de técnicas para la optimización del
despliegue y planificación de sistemas de tiempo real
Andoni Amurrio, Ekain Azketa, J. Javier Gutiérrez, Mario
Aldea, and Jorge Parra.
Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e
Informática industrial (RIAI) 16(3), pp 249-263, June 2019.
PDF in Spanish]
FLANDM: a development framework of domain-specific
languages for data mining democratisation.
Alfonso de la Vega Ruiz, Diego García-Saiz, Marta Zorrilla
and Pablo Sánchez.
Computer Languages, Systems & Structures,
54, pp. 316-336, December. 2018.
Mortadelo: A Model-Driven Framework for NoSQL Database
Alfonso de La Vega, Diego García-Saiz, Carlos Blanco, Marta
Zorrilla and Pablo Sánchez.
8th International Conference on Model and Data
Engineering, Marrakesh, October 2018.
Experiencias en Educación Abierta en la Universidad de
Martínez, Sergio, Solana, Pedro, Álvarez Saiz, Elena and
Zorrilla, Marta.
I Congreso Internacional Campus Digitales en
Educación Superior, Cáceres, October 2018.
Desarrollo de Sistemas Distribuidos de Tiempo Real y de
Criticidad Mixta a través del Estándar DDS.
Héctor Pérez, and J. Javier Gutiérrez.
Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e
Informática Industrial 15(4), pp. 439-447, September 2018.
PDF in Spanish]
Descripción de pruebas de benchmark para plataformas de
tercera generación.
Luis Martín de la Rubia, Miguel Algorri, Marta Zorrilla,
José Mª Drake.
Jornadas de Ingeniería del Software y Bases de
Datos (JISBD), Sevilla, Spain, September. 2018.
PDF in Spanish]
Session Summary: Profiles.
Mario Aldea Rivas and Kristoffer Nyborg Gregertsen.
ACM SIGAda Ada Letters 38(1):62-65. July 2018
Proposal for a new Ada profile for small
Mario Aldea Rivas and Héctor Pérez-Tijero.
ACM SIGAda Ada Letters: Volume 38 Issue 1:
34-39, July 2018
A Run-Time Detector of Hardworking E-Learners with
Diego García-Saiz, Alfonso de La Vega, Pablo Sanchez and
Marta Zorrilla.
8th International Conference in Methodologies
and Intelligent Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning.
Toledo (Spain), 20-22, June, 2018.
Theory and Practice of EDF Scheduling in Distributed
Real-Time Systems.
J. Javier Gutiérrez, and Héctor Pérez.
23rd International Conference on Reliable
Software Technologies, Ada-Europe 2018, Lisbon (Portugal),
in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS Vol. 10873, pp.
123-137, June 2018.
Real-Time Ada Applications on Android.
Alejandro Pérez Ruiz, Mario Aldea Rivas and Michael González
23rd International Conference on Reliable
Software Technologies, Ada-Europe 2018, Lisbon (Portugal),
in Presentation Abstracts, pp 11-12, June 2018
Presentation Abstract]
On the Automated Transformation of Domain Models into
Tabular Datasets.
Alfonso de la Vega, Diego García-Saiz, Marta E. Zorrilla and
Pablo Sánchez.
ER-Forum-Demos, Valencia, November, 2017.
A Model-Driven Ecosystem for the Definition of Data
Mining Domain-Specific Languages.
Alfonso de la Vega, Diego García-Saiz, Marta Zorrilla and
Pablo Sánchez
7th International Conference on Model and Data
Engineering: Barcelona, October, 2017.
Actualización reactiva de bases de datos usando cadenas
de procesadores de flujo de datos.
Miguel Algorri, José María Drake and Marta Zorrilla.
Actas de las XXII Jornadas de Ingeniería del
Software y Bases de Datos (JISBD 2017). La Laguna
(Tenerife), September, 2017.
Meta-tool for model-driven verification of constraints
César Cuevas Cuesta, Patricia López Martínez and José M.
Communications in Computer and Information
Science, Vol. 692, pp. 171-193, Springer, September 2017.
Towards MARTE++: an enhanced UML-based language to Model
and Analyse Real-Time and Embedded Systems for the IoT
Julio L. Medina, and Eugenio Villar.
In Proceedings of The 2017 Forum on
specification & Design Languages, FDL 2017, Verona
(Italia), Wor-in-Progress Session, September 2017.
[Download PDF] [Download
High-Level Design of Wireless Sensor Networks for
Performance Optimization Under Security Hazards.
Pablo Peñil, Alvaro Díaz, Hector Posadas, Julio Medina, and
Pablo Sánchez.
ACM Trans. Sen. Netw. 13, 3, Article 19, 37
pages, August 2017.
[Download PDF]
Response-Time Analysis in Hierarchically-Scheduled
Time-Partitioned Distributed Systems.
J. Carlos Palencia, Michael González Harbour, J. Javier
Gutiérrez, and Juan M. Rivas.
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed
Systems 28(7), pp. 2017-2030, July 2017.
Toward a Network-Based Approach to Modeling Epistatic
Interactions in Genome-Wide Association Studies.
Camilo Palazuelos, Marta E. Zorrilla and Javier Llorca.
30th IEEE International Symposium on
Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS), Thessaloniki, Greece,
June 22-24, 2017.
Comparison of Memory Access Strategies in Multi-core
Platforms Using MAST.
Juan M. Rivas, J. Javier Gutiérrez, Julio L. Medina, and
Michael González Harbour.
8th International Workshop on Analysis Tools and
Methodologies for Embedded and Real-time Systems (WATERS),
Industrial Challenge 2017, Dubrovnik (Croatia), June 2017.
Poster in PDF]
CONTREX: Design of embedded mixed-criticality CONTRol
systems under consideration of EXtra-functional
Kim Grüttner, Ralph Görgen, Sören Schreiner, Fernando
Herrera, Pablo Peñil, Julio Medina, Eugenio Villar, Gianluca
Palermo, William Fornaciari, Carlo Brandolese, Davide
Gadioli, Emanuele Vitali, Davide Zoni, Sara Bocchio, Luca
Ceva, Paolo Azzoni, Massimo Poncino, Sara Vinco, Enrico
Macii, Salvatore Cusenza, John Favaro, Raúl Valencia, Ingo
Sander, Kathrin Rosvall, Nima Khalilzad and Davide Quaglia
Microprocessors and Microsystems, Volume 51,
June 2017, Pages 39-55, ISSN 0141-9331.
Automating the Customization of Model-Driven Software
Engineering Environments.
César Cuevas, Patricia López Martínez and José M. Drake.
5th International Conference on Model-Driven
Engineering and Software Development (MODELSWARD 2017),
Oporto (Portugal), February 2017.
Social Networks and the Building of Learning
Communities: An Experimental Study of a Social MOOC.
Mariana de Lima and Marta Zorrilla.
International Review of Research in Open and
Distributed Learning Volume 18, Number 1 February 2017.
[Download PDF]
A clustering-based knowledge discovery process for data
centre infrastructure management.
Diego García-Saiz, Marta E. Zorrilla and José Luis Bosque.
The Journal of Supercomputing 73(1): 215-226
A meta-learning based framework for building algorithm
recommenders: An application for educational arena.
Diego García-Saiz and Marta E. Zorrilla.
Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems 32(2):
1449-1459 (2017).
[Download PDF]
Handling heterogeneous partitioned systems through
ARINC-653 and DDS.
Héctor Pérez Tijero, and J. Javier Gutiérrez.
Computer Standards & Interfaces, Volume 50,
Elsevier, pp. 258-268, February 2017.
A supercomputing framework for the evaluation of
real-time analysis and optimization techniques.
Juan M. Rivas, J. Javier Gutiérrez, and Michael González
The Journal of Systems and Software, Volume 124,
Elsevier, pp. 120-136, February 2017.
On the Use of C# Partial Classes for the Implementation
of Software Product Lines.
Alejandro Pérez Ruiz and Pablo Sánchez Barreiro.
The Computer Journal 60(1), pp. 86-109, January
Distributed architecture for developing
mixed-criticality systems in multi-core platforms.
Héctor Pérez Tijero, J. Javier Gutiérrez, Salva Peiró, and
Alfons Crespo.
The Journal of Systems and Software, Volume 123,
Elsevier, pp. 145-159, January 2017.
Multiprocessor platform for partitioned real-time
Héctor Pérez Tijero, Mario Aldea Rivas and Daniel Medina
Software: Practice and Experience 47(1), pp.
61-78, January 2017.
Languages, Design Methods, and Tools for Electronic
Systems Design. Selected Contributions from FDL 2014.
Frank Oppenheimer and Julio Luis Medina Pasaje (Editors).
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering No. 361.
ISBN 978-3-319-24455-6. 2016.
Modeling Hardware/Software Embedded Systems with
UML/MARTE: A Single-Source Design Approach.
Fernando Herrera, Julio Medina, and Eugenio Villar.
In Handbook of Hardware/Software Codesign, pp
1-45. DOI 10.1007/978-94-017-7358-4_6-1. ISBN
978-94-017-7358-4. Springer Netherlands. 2016.
Enabling data-centric distribution technology for
partitioned embedded systems.
Héctor Pérez Tijero and J. Javier Gutierrez.
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed
Systems, Vol. 27(11), pp. 3186-3198, November 2016.
CONTREX: Design of Embedded Mixed-Criticality CONTRol
Systems under Consideration of EXtra-Functional
Ralph Görgen, Kim Grüttner, Fernando Herrera, Pablo Peñil,
Julio Medina, Eugenio Villar, Gianluca Palermo, William
Fornaciari, Carlo Brandolese, Davide Gadioli, Sara Bocchio,
Luca Ceva, Paolo Azzoni, Massimo Poncino, Sara Vinco, Enrico
Macii, Salvatore Cusenza, John Favaro, Raúl Valencia, Ingo
Sander, Kathrin Rosvall and Davide Quaglia.
2016 Euromicro Conference on Digital System
Design (DSD), Limassol, Chipre, 2016, pp. 286-293.
[Download PDF]
Interpretación de dos algoritmos EDF on-line para la
optimización de sistemas distribuidos de tiempo real.
Juan M. Rivas and J. Javier Gutiérrez
V Simposio de Sistemas de Tiempo Real in the V
Congreso Español de Informática, CEDI 2016, Salamanca
(Spain), September 2016.
PDF in Spanish]
MDDE: Una concepción genérica para diseño de entornos de
desarrollo de software basados en MDSE.
César Cuevas, Patricia López Martínez y José M. Drake
Congreso Español de Informática (CEDI 2016), Congreso
SISTEDES-JISBD, Salamanca, September 2016.
Desarrollo Eficiente de Lenguajes Específicos de Dominio
para la Ejecución de Procesos de Minería de Datos.
Alfonso de la Vega, Diego García-Saiz, Marta Zorrilla and
Pablo Sánchez
Jornadas de Ingeniería del Software y Bases de Datos
(JISBD), Salamanca, Spain, September 2016.
PDF in Spanish]
Servicios de tiempo real en Android
Alejandro Pérez Ruiz, Mario Aldea Rivas and Michael González
V Simposio de Sistemas de Tiempo Real in the V
Congreso Español de Informática, CEDI 2016, Salamanca
(Spain), September 2016.
PDF in Spanish]
Selección de una arquitectura many-core comercial como
plataforma de tiempo real.
David García Villaescusa, Michael González Harbour and Mario
Aldea Rivas
V Simposio de Sistemas de Tiempo Real in the V
Congreso Español de Informática, CEDI 2016, Salamanca
(Spain), September 2016.
PDF in Spanish]
Session Summary: Language Issues
Michael González Harbour, Mario Aldea-Rivas
ACM SIGAda Ada Letters 37(3):171-173 · September
2016 .
Calculating Latencies in an Engine Management System
Using Response Time Analysis with MAST.
Juan M. Rivas, J. Javier Gutiérrez, Julio L. Medina, and
Michael González Harbour.
7th International Workshop on Analysis Tools and
Methodologies for Embedded and Real-time Systems (WATERS),
FMTV Challenge 2016, Toulouse (France), July 2016.
PDF] [Download
Poster in PDF]
An Experience Integrating Response-Time Analysis and
Optimization with an MDE Strategy.
Juan M. Rivas, J. Javier Gutiérrez, Mario Aldea, César
Cuevas, Michael González Harbour, José M. Drake, Julio L.
Medina, Laurent Rioux, Rafik Henia and Nicolas Sordon.
Workshop on Model-Driven Engineering, Logic and
Optimization (MELO 2016), Vienna (Austria), Co-located with
STAF 2016: Software Technologies: Applications and
Foundations, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS Vol.
9946, pp. 303-316, July 2016.
MARTE extensions and modeling Mixed-Criticalities: A
synthesis of modeling needs of the Contrex Project and the
solutions proposed using minor extensions to MARTE.
Julio Medina, Fernando Herrera, Eugenio Villar, Pablo Peñil.
OMG: Technical meeting, OMG Document
MARS/2016-06-07, Orlando (USA), June 2016.
The Polling Effect on the Schedulability of Distributed
Real-Time Systems.
Héctor Pérez, J. Javier Gutiérrez, Michael González Harbour,
and J. Carlos Palencia.
21st International Conference on Reliable
Software Technologies, Ada-Europe 2016, Pisa (Italy), in
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS Vol. 9695, pp.
179-194, June 2016.
MAST: a model and tools to predict response times in
event-driven real-time systems.
Michael Gonzalez Harbour and Julio Medina.
Presentation at Tutor'2016. 1st Tutorial on
Tools for Real-Time Systems, en CPS (Cyber-Physical Systems)
Week 2016, Viena (Austria), April 2016.
A clustering-based knowledge discovery process for data
centre infrastructure management.
Diego García-Saiz, Marta Zorrilla and José Luis Bosque.
The Journal of Supercomputing, pp 1-12, March
Model-driven Approach for Verifying Conformity of Models
in the Presence of Constraints.
César Cuevas Cuesta, Patricia López Martínez and José. M.
4th International Conference on Model-Driven
Engineering and Software Development (MODELSWARD 2016), Rome
(Italy), February 2016.
ISBN: 978-989-758-168-7 pp. 455-466.
Automating the Construction of Models based on Domain
César Cuevas Cuesta, Patricia López Martínez and José. M.
4th International Conference on Model-Driven
Engineering and Software Development (MODELSWARD 2016), Rome
(Italy), February 2016.
ISBN: 978-989-758-168-7 pp. 241-249.
A parametrisable method for measuring online attendance
in e-learning tools.
Marta Zorrilla, Elena Álvarez and Diego Garcia-Saiz
International Journal of Technology Enhanced
Learning 7(4), pp.289-308. 2015
Metalearning-based recommenders: towards automatic
classification algorithm selection
Diego Garcia-Saiz and Marta Zorrilla
Conferencia de la Asociación Española para la
Inteligencia Artificial, 749-758, Albacete, Spain, November
UML-Based Single-Source Approach for Evaluation and
optimization of Mixed-Critical Embedded Systems.
Pablo Peñil, Héctor Posadas, Julio Medina and Eugenio Villar
XXX Conference on Design of Circuits and
Integrated Systems, DCIS 2015, IEEE. November, 2015.
CPU Isolation on the Android OS for running Real-Time
Alejandro Pérez Ruiz, Mario Aldea Rivas and Michael González
13th International Workshop on Java Technologies
for Real-time and Embedded Systems - JTRES 2015, París
(France), October, 2015.
Guest Editorial: Special Issue on The Real-Time Systems
Michael González Harbour and Giorgo C. Buttazzo
Real-Time Systems Journal 51, pp. 637-638, October,
2015, ISBN:0922-6443, pp. 1,2.
On the convergence of the holistic analysis for EDF
distributed systems.
Unai Díaz-de-Cerio, Juan P. Uribe, Michael González Harbour
and J. Carlos Palencia.
Journal of Systems Architecture, Volume 61(9),
pp.398–409, Elsevier, October 2015.
Deadline Assignment in EDF Schedulers for Real-Time
Distributed Systems.
Juan M. Rivas, J. Javier Gutiérrez, J. Carlos Palencia, and
Michael González Harbour.
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed
Systems, Vol. 26(10), pp. 2671-2684, October 2015.
Un marco para democratizar la minería de datos:
propuesta inicial y retos.
Diego García-Saiz, Roberto Espinosa, Jacobo Zubcob, José
Norberto Mazón and Marta Zorrilla
Jornadas de Ingeniería del Software y Bases de
Datos (JISBD), Santander, Spain, September, 2015
PDF in Spanish]
Meta-Learning Based Framework for Helping Non-expert
Miners to Choice a Suitable Classification Algorithm: An
Application for the Educational Field.
Marta Zorrilla and Diego García-Saiz
7th International Conference on Computational
Collective Intelligence, 431-440, Madrid, Spain, September
Desarrollo de una Línea de Productos Software utilizando
las clases parciales C#: el patrón Slicer.
Alejandro Pérez Ruiz and Pablo Sánchez Barreiro
XX Jornadas de Ingeniería del Software y Bases
de Datos JISBD, Santander (Spain), September, 2015
PDF in Spanish]
Automatización para la edición de modelos basada en
vistas de dominio.
César Cuevas, Patricia López Martínez and José M. Drake
XX Jornadas de Ingeniería del Software y Bases
de Datos JISBD, Santander (Spain), September, 2015
PDF in Spanish]
PyEmofUC: Un entorno MDE/EMOF minimalista.
José M. Drake, César Cuevas, Juan R. Fernández Castañera and
Patricia López Martínez
XX Jornadas de Ingeniería del Software y Bases
de Datos JISBD, Santander (Spain), September, 2015
PDF in Spanish]
Extensions to the UML Profile for MARTE for Distributed
Embedded Systems.
Emad Samuel Malki Ebeid, Julio Medina, Davide Quaglia and
Franco Fummi.
The 2015 Conference on Forum on specification
& Design Languages, FDL 2015 , Barcelona (Spain),
September 2015.
Schedulability analysis and optimization in a
model-based integrated tool-chain: Synthetic MARTE models
for optimizing real-time design with MAST and TEMPO.
Laurent Rioux, Rafik Henia, Nicolas Sordon, Michael González
Harbour, J. Javier Gutiérrez, Juan M. Rivas, César Cuevas,
José M. Drake, and Julio L. Medina.
The 2015 Conference on Forum on specification
& Design Languages, FDL 2015 , Barcelona (Spain), Demo
Night Session, September 2015.
Domain Specific Languages for Data Mining: A Case Study
for Educational Data Mining.
Alfonso de La Vega, Diego García-Saiz, Pablo Sánchez and
Marta Zorrilla.
Symposium on Languages, Applications and
Technologies (SLATE), Madrid, Spain, July 2015.
[Download PDF]
Solving the 2015 FMTV Challenge Using Response Time
Analysis with MAST.
Julio L. Medina, Juan M. Rivas, J. Javier Gutiérrez, and
Michael González Harbour.
6th International Workshop on Analysis Tools and
Methodologies for Embedded and Real-time Systems (WATERS),
FMTV Challenge 2015, Lund (Sweden), July 2015.
PDF] [Download
Motivando al alumnado con Facebook: una experiencia
Marta Zorrilla.
XXI Jornadas sobre la Enseñanza Universitaria de
la Informática (JENUI), 131-136, Andorra, July 2015.
Detection of learners with a performance inconsistent
with their effort.
Diego García Saiz and Marta Elena Zorrilla Pantaleón.
The 8th International Conference on Educational
Data Mining, Madrid, June 2015.
AFDX Emulator for an ARINC-Based Training Platform.
Jesús Fernández, Héctor Pérez, J. Javier Gutiérrez and
Michael González Harbour.
20th Int. Conf. On Reliable Software
Technologies, Ada-Europe'2015, Madrid (Spain), in Lecture
Notes in Computer Science, LNCS Vol. 9111, pp. 212-227, June
Modeling the QoS parameters of DDS for event-driven
real-time applications.
Héctor Pérez, and J. Javier Gutiérrez.
The Journal of Systems and Software, Volume 104,
pp. 126-140, Elsevier, June 2015.
A Deadline Floor Inheritance Protocol for EDF Scheduled
Embedded Real-Time Systems with Resource Sharing.
Alan Burns, Marina Gutiérrez, Mario Aldea, and Michael
González Harbour
IEEE Transaction on Computers, Vol. 64(5), pp.
1241 - 1253, May 2015.
Multiprocessor Ada platform based on MaRTE OS and GNAT.
Mario Aldea-Rivas, Héctor Pérez, Michael González Harbour
17th International Real-Time Ada Workshop
(IRTAW), Vermont (US), ACM SIGAda Ada Letters 35(1):74-79,
April 2015
Soporte de aplicaciones de tiempo real en el sistema
operativo Android.
Alejandro Pérez Ruiz, Mario Aldea Rivas and Michael González
XVIII Jornadas de Tiempo Real, Cartagena
(Spain), February, 2015.
[Download PDF in Spanish]
An MDA approach for developing Secure OLAP applications:
metamodels and transformations.
C. Blanco, I. García-Rodríguez de Guzmán, E.
Fernández-Medina and J. Trujillo
Computer Science and Information Systems
(ComSIS) 12(2): 541-565 (2015).
An architecture for automatically developing secure OLAP
applications from models.
C. Blanco, I. García-Rodríguez de Guzmán, E.
Fernández-Medina and J. Trujillo
Information and Software Technology (INFSOF) 59:
1-16 (2015).
Modernizing secure OLAP applications with a model driven
C. Blanco, E. Fernández-Medina and J. Trujillo
The Computer Journal (TCJ) 58(10): 2351-2367
Meta-learning: Can It Be Suitable to Automatise the KDD
Process for the Educational Domain?.
Marta E. Zorrilla and Diego García-Saiz.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8537, 2014,
pp. 285-292.
The predictive power of SNA metrics in education.
Diego García Saiz, Camilo Palazuelos Calderón and Marta
Elena Zorrilla Pantaleón.
The 7th International Conference on Educational
Data Mining, 419-420, London, United Kingdom, 2014.
GEN4MAST: A Tool for the Evaluation of Real-Time
Techniques Using a Supercomputer.
Juan M. Rivas, J. Javier Gutiérrez, and Michael González
3rd International Workshop on Real-Time and
Distributed Computing in Emerging Applications (REACTION),
co-located with 35th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium, Rome
(Italy), pp. 41-47, December, 2014.
Data-centric distribution technology in ARINC-653
Héctor Pérez Tijero, and J. Javier Gutiérrez.
3rd International Workshop on Real-Time and
Distributed Computing in Emerging Applications (REACTION),
co-located with 35th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium, Rome
(Italy), pp. 34-40, December, 2014.
Experiencing the multi-path schedulability analysis
capabilities in MAST 1.5.
Julio L. Medina, Michael González Harbour, J. Javier
Gutiérrez, José Carlos Palencia, César Cuevas, Patricia
López Martínez, and José M. Drake.
The 2014 Conference on Forum on specification
& Design Languages, FDL 2014 , Munich (Germany),Demo
Night Session, October 2014.
Adding Precedence Relations to the Response-Time
Analysis of EDF Distributed Real-Time Systems
Unai Diaz De Cerio, Michael González Harbour, J. C.
Palencia, Juan P. Uribe.
22nd International Conference on Real-Time
Networks and Systems, RTNS 2014, October, 2014.
Building Families of Software Products for e-Learning
Platforms: A Case Study.
Barreiro, P.S. García-Saiz, D. and Zorrilla Pantaleón, M.E.
Tecnologías del Aprendizaje, IEEE Revista
Iberoamericana de, vol.9, no.2. Páginas: 64-71. May 2014.
A Survey on Standards for Real-Time Distribution
Héctor Pérez Tijero, and J. Javier Gutiérrez
ACM Computing Surveys. Vol. 46(4):49, ACM, March
Holistic schedulability analysis for multipacket
messages in AFDX networks.
J. Javier Gutiérrez, J. Carlos Palencia, and Michael
González Harbour
Journal of Real-Time Systems 50(2), Springer,
pp. 230-269, March 2014.
Showing the benefits of applying a Model Driven
Architecture for developing Secure OLAP Applications.
C. Blanco, I. García-Rodríguez de Guzmán, E.
Fernández-Medina and J. Trujillo
Journal of Universal Computer Science (JUCS)
20(2): 79-106 (2014).
Security in Information Systems: Advances and new
C. Blanco, D.G. Rosado, L.E. Sanchez and J. Jurjens
Computer Standards and Interfaces (CSI) 36(4):
687-688 (2014).
MaRTE OS and XtratuM: towards a multiprocessor
partitioned platform for Ada.
Héctor Pérez Tijero, Daniel Medina Ortega, Mario Aldea
XVII Jornadas de Tiempo Real, Universidad de
Zaragoza, January 2014.
[Download PDF]
Development of Secure XML Data Warehouses with QVT
B. Vela, J.N. Mazón, C. Blanco, E. Fernández-Medina, J.
Trujillo and E. Marcos
Information and Software Technology (INFSOF)
55(9): 1651-1677 (2013)
Business Intelligence Applications and the Web: Models,
Systems and Technologies
Zorrilla, M. E., Mazón, J., Ferrández, Ó., Garrigós, I.,
Daniel, F. and Trujillo, J.
Hershey, PA: IGI Global. DISBN13: 9781613500385,
pp. 1-374, 2012.
Identifying Overlapping Communities and Their Leading
Members in Social Networks.
Camilo Palazuelos and Marta Zorrilla.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 8109,
2013, pp 52-61.
Social Network Analysis and Data Mining: An Application
to the E-Learning Context.
Camilo Palazuelos, Diego García-Saiz and Marta Zorrilla.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 8083,
2013, pp 651-660.
Towards the integration of data-centric distribution
technology into partitioned embedded systems.
Héctor Pérez Tijero, and J. Javier Gutiérrez.
2nd International Workshop on Real-Time and
Distributed Computing in Emerging Applications (REACTION),
co-located with 34th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium,
Vancouver (Canada), December 2013.
Modeling and schedulability analysis of AFDX networks in
J. Javier Gutiérrez
1st Workshop on Real-Time Ethernet (RATE 2013),
co-located with the 34th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium,
Vancouver (Canada), December 2013
Data Mining and Social Network Analysis in the
Educational Field: An Application for Non-Expert Users.
Diego García-Saiz, Camilo Palazuelos, and Marta Zorrilla.
Studies in Computational Intelligence, Volume
524, 2014, Pages 411-439, November 2013
Framework for the design of firm Java real-time systems
oriented to the generation of timing behaviour models.
Patricia López Martínez, José M. Martínez Lanza, José M.
Drake and Michael González Harbour
39th Euromicro Conference Series on Software
Engineering and Advanced Applications, Embedded Software
Engineering Track, Santander, Spain, September 2013
Extracción automática del modelo para análisis de
planificabilidad de sistemas RT-Java.
José M. Martínez Lanza, Patricia López Martínez, Mario
Aldea, and José M. Drake
IV Simposio de Sistemas de Tiempo Real in the IV
Congreso Español de Informática, CEDI 2013, Madrid (Spain)
pp. 19-26, September 2013, ISBN: 978-84-695-8334-0
Generación de código Ada en el desarrollo dirigido por
modelos de sistemas de Tiempo Real estricto con UML y
Alejandro Pérez Ruiz, and Julio L. Medina.
IV Simposio de Sistemas de Tiempo Real in the IV
Congreso Español de Informática, CEDI 2013, Madrid (Spain)
pp. 69-76, September 2013, ISBN: 978-84-695-8334-0
Sobre la asignación de parámetros de planificación en
sistemas distribuidos de tiempo real.
Juan M. Rivas, J. Javier Gutiérrez, Michael González
Harbour, and J. Carlos Palencia
IV Simposio de Sistemas de Tiempo Real in the IV
Congreso Español de Informática, CEDI 2013, Madrid (Spain)
pp. 11-18, September 2013, ISBN: 978-84-695-8334-0
Algoritmo genético permutacional para el despliegue y
la planificación de sistemas de tiempo real distribuidos.
Ekain Azketa, Marco Di Natale, J. Javier Gutiérrez, Luís
Almeida, and Marga Marcos
Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e
Informática industrial (RIAI) Vol. 10 (3), pp. 344-355,
Elsevier, July-September 2013
Incorporating the Deadline Floor Protocol in Ada.
Mario Aldea, Alan Burns, Marina Gutiérrez, and Michael
González Harbour
16th International Real-Time Ada Workshop
(IRTAW), York (UK), ACM SIGAda Ada Letters, Volume XXXIII,
Number 2 pp. 49-58, August 2013
High Level Modeling for Real-Time Applications with UML
Julio L. Medina, and Alejandro Pérez
25th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems
(ECRTS’13) WiP Session, pp. 13-16, July 2013.
Modelling real-time applications based on resource
Laura Barros, Patricia López Martínez, César Cuevas, José
María Drake, and Michael González Harbour.
Journal of Systems Architecture, Vol 56(6), pp.
315-330, Elsevier, June 2013
Modeling distributed real-time systems with MAST 2.
Michael González Harbour, J. Javier Gutiérrez, José M.
Drake, Patricia López Martínez and J. Carlos Palencia.
Journal of Systems Architecture, Vol 56(6), pp.
331-340, Elsevier, June 2013
Experience with the integration of distribution
middleware into partitioned systems.
Héctor Pérez, and J. Javier Gutiérrez.
18th Int. Conf. On Reliable Software
Technologies, Ada-Europe'2013, Berlin (Germany), in Lecture
Notes in Computer Science, LNCS Vol. 7896, pp. 1-16, June
Beneficios que aporta la metodología MDE a los entornos
de desarrollo de sistemas de tiempo real.
César Cuevas, Laura Barros, Patricia López Martínez, and
José María Drake.
Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e
Informática industrial (RIAI), Vol. 10 (2), pp. 216-227,
Elsevier, April-June 2013.
Adapting the end-to-end flow model for distributed Ada
to the Ravenscar profile.
Héctor Pérez Tijero, J. Javier Gutiérrez, and Michael
González Harbour.
15th International Real-Time Ada Workshop
(IRTAW), Liébana (Spain),ACM SIGAda Ada Letters, Volume
XXXIII, Number 1 pp. 53-63, April 2013.
A service oriented architecture to provide data mining
services for non-expert data miners.
Marta Zorrilla, and Diego García-Saiz.
Decision Support Systems, Volume 55, Issue 1,
April 2013, Pages 399-411 (JCR: 2.036, Q1).
Advanced Ada Support for Real-Time Programming.
Mario Aldea.
Ada User Journal, Vol. 34, Issue 1, pp. 49-55,
March 2013 .
[Download PDF]
MAST: Bringing Response-Time Analysis into Real-Time
Systems Engineering.
Michael González Harbour, J. Javier Gutiérrez, Julio L.
Medina, J.Carlos Palencia, J.María Drake, Juan M. Rivas,
Patricia López Martínez, and César Cuevas.
Workshop on Real-time systems: the past, the
present, and the future, York (UK), CreateSpace Independent
Publishing Platform, pp. 42-59, March 2013
Perspectives on the Analysis and Design of Real-Time
Distributed Systems with UML-based standard modelling
Julio L. Medina.
Workshop on Real-time systems: the past, the
present, and the future, York (UK), CreateSpace Independent
Publishing Platform, pp. 87-104, March 2013 ISBN:
Operating system support for Ada timers.
Mario Aldea Rivas, and Michael González Harbour.
Workshop on Real-time systems: the past, the
present, and the future, York (UK), CreateSpace Independent
Publishing Platform, pp. 105-118, March 2013 ISBN:
Design of component-based real-time applications.
Patricia López Martínez, Laura Barros and José M. Drake.
Journal of Systems and Software, Elsevier,
Volume 86, Issue 2, pp. 449-467, February 2013
Fixed Priorities or EDF for Distributed Real-Time
Juan M. Rivas, J. Javier Gutiérrez, and Michael González
WiP Session of the 33rd IEEE Real-Time Systems
Symposium, San Juan (Puerto Rico), December 2012. In ACM
SIGBED Review Vol. 10 (2), pp. 21-21, July 2013.
PDF] [Download
Real-time modelling of DDS for event-driven
Héctor Pérez Tijero, and J. Javier Gutiérrez.
International Workshop on Real-Time and
Distributed Computing in Emerging Applications (REACTION),
co-located with 33rd IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium, San
Juan (Puerto Rico), December 2012.
Schedulability analysis of multi-packet messages in
segmented CAN.
Ekain Azketa, J. Javier Gutiérrez, J. Carlos Palencia,
Michael González Harbour, Luís Almeida, Marga Marcos.
17th IEEE International Conference on Emerging
Technologies & Factory Automation (ETFA2012), Kraków
(Poland), September 2012.
Advances in the automation of model driven software
engineering for hard real-time systems with Ada and the
UML Profile for MARTE.
Julio L. Medina and Alejandro Pérez Ruiz.
Proceedings of 3rd International Workshop on
Analysis Tools and Methodologies for Embedded and Real-time
Systems (WATERS 2012), Pisa (Italy), July 2012.
Compositional real-time models.
Patricia López Martínez, César Cuevas and José M. Drake.
Journal of Systems Architecture, Elsevier,
Volume 58, Issues 6–7, pp. 257-276, June–August 2012.
An MDE approach to address synchronization needs in
component-based real-time systems.
Patricia López Martínez, and Tullio Vardanega.
15th ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on Component Based
Software Engineering, pp. 125-134, ACM, June 2012.
Handling Synchronization Requirements under Separation
of Concerns in Model-Driven Component-Based Development.
Patricia López Martínez, and Tullio Vardanega.
17th Int. Conf. on Reliable Software
Technologies – Ada-Europe 2012, Lecture Notes in Computer
Science, Volume 7308, pp. 89-104, June 2012.
An empirical study of permutational genetic crossover
and mutation operators on the fixed priority assignment in
distributed real-time systems.
Ekain Azketa, Juan Pedro Uribe, Marga Marcos, Luís Almeida
and J. Javier Gutiérrez.
IEEE International Conference on Industrial
Technology (ICIT 2012), Athens (Greece), March 2012.
Estrategias MDE en entornos de desarrollo de sistemas
de tiempo real.
César Cuevas, Laura Barros, Patricia López Martínez, and
José M. Drake.
XV Jornadas de Tiempo Real, Santander,
January-February, 2012.
PDF in Spanish]
Permutational genetic algorithm for the optimized
mapping and scheduling of tasks and messages in
distributed real-time systems.
Ekain Azketa, Juan Pedro Uribe, J. Javier Gutiérrez, Marga
Marcos, and Luís Almeida.
XV Jornadas de Tiempo Real, Santander,
January-February, 2012.
PDF in Spanish]
Response time analysis in AFDX networks with
sub-virtual links and prioritized switches.
J. Javier Gutiérrez, J. Carlos Palencia, and Michael
González Harbour.
XV Jornadas de Tiempo Real, Santander,
January-February, 2012.
On the schedulability of a data-centric real-time
distribution middleware.
Héctor Pérez Tijero, and J. Javier Gutiérrez.
Computer Standards and Interfaces, Elsevier,
Volume 34, Issue 1, pp. 203–211, January 2012.
A practical application of our MDD approach for
modeling secure XML data warehouses.
B. Vela, C. Blanco, E. Fernández-Medina and E. Marcos.
Decision Support Systems (DSS) 52(4): 899-925
Are models easier to understand than code? An empirical
study on comprehension of entity-relationship (ER) models
vs. structured query language (SQL) code.
Pablo Sánchez, Marta E. Zorrilla, Rafael Duque Medina and
Alicia Nieto-Reyes
Computer Science Education 21(4): 343-362 (2011)
Permutational genetic algorithm for fixed priority
scheduling of distributed real-time systems aided by
network segmentation.
Ekain Azketa, Juan Pedro Uribe, Marga Marcos, Luís Almeida,
and J. Javier Gutiérrez
First Workshop on Synthesis and Optimization
Methods for Real-Time Embedded Systems (SOMRES), in
conjunction with the IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium
(RTSS), Viena (Austria) pp. 13-18, November 2011
Permutational Genetic Algorithm for the Optimized
Assignment of Priorities to Tasks and Messages in
Distributed Real-Time Systems.
Ekain Azketa, Juan Pedro Uribe, Marga Marcos, Luís Almeida,
and J. Javier Gutiérrez.
8th IEEE International Conference on Embedded
Software and Systems (ICESS), Changsha (China), pp. 958-965,
November 2011.
Design of real-time component-based applications on
open platforms.
Laura Barros, Patricia López Martínez, and José María Drake.
37th Euromicro Conference on Software
Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA), Oulu
(Finland), pp. 65-72, August 2011.
Model-Driven Development of High-Integrity Distributed
Real-Time Systems Using the End-to-End Flow Model.
Héctor Pérez, J. Javier Gutiérrez, Esteban Asensio, Juan
Zamorano, and Juan A. de la Puente .
37th Euromicro Conference on Software
Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA), Oulu
(Finland), pp. 209-216, August 2011.
Schedulability Analysis and Optimization of
Heterogeneous EDF and FP Distributed Real-Time Systems.
Juan M. Rivas, J. Javier Gutiérrez, J. Carlos Palencia, and
Michael González Harbour.
23th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems,
Porto (Portugal), July 2011.
Modelling real-time applications based on resource
Laura Barros, César Cuevas, Patricia López Martínez, José
María Drake, and Michael González Harbour.
2nd International Workshop on Analysis Tools and
Methodologies for Embedded and Real-time Systems (WATERS
2011), Porto (Portugal).
Modeling Real-Time Networks with MAST2.
Michael González Harbour, J. Javier Gutiérrez, J. María
Drake, Patricia López, and J. Carlos Palencia.
2nd International Workshop on Analysis Tools and
Methodologies for Embedded and Real-time Systems (WATERS
2011), Porto (Portugal).
Model-Based Analysis and Design of Real-Time
Distributed Systems with Ada and the UML Profile for
Julio Medina and Álvaro García Cuesta.
6th Int. Conf. On Reliable Software
Technologies, Ada-Europe'2011, Edinburg (UK), in Lecture
Notes in Computer Science, LNCS Vol. 6652, pp. 89-102, June
Execution time monitoring and interrupt handlers:
position statement.
Mario Aldea Rivas and Michael González Harbour.
ACM SIGAda Ada Letters archive Volume 30 Issue
1, April 2010 Pages 68-72
Experiencing the UML profile for MARTE in the
generation of schedulability analysis models for MAST.
Julio Medina and Álvaro García Cuesta.
Proceedings of 2nd Workshop on Model Based
Engineering for Embedded Systems Design (M-BED
2011) Grenoble, France, March 2011.
Response Time Analysis in AFDX Networks.
J. Javier Gutiérrez, J. Carlos Palencia, and Michael
González Harbour.
XIV Jornadas de Tiempo Real, Madrid, February
Basis for an integrated Security Ontology according to
a systematic review of existing proposals.
C. Blanco, J. Lasheras, E. Fernández-Medina, R. Valencia and
A. Toval
Computer Standards & Interfaces (CSI) 33(4):
372-388. (2011).
Defining and Transforming Security Rules in an MDA
approach for DWs.
C. Blanco, I. García-Rodríguez de Guzmán, E.
Fernández-Medina, J. Trujillo and M. Piattini.
Int. J. of Business Intelligence and Data Mining
(IJBIDM) 5(2): 116-133 (2010) .
A Systematic Review of Security Requirements
D. Mellado, C. Blanco, L.E. Sánchez and E. Fernández-Medina.
Computer Standards & Interfaces (CSI) 32(4):
153-165 (2010) .
From composable design models to schedulability
analysis with UML and the UML profile for MARTE.
Julio Medina and Álvaro García Cuesta.
Proc. of CRTS 2010. 3rd Workshop on
Compositional Theory and Technology for Real-Time Embedded
Systems November 30, 2010, San Diego, CA, USA (co-located
with RTSS 2010) .
Using the MARTE UML-profile to engineer predictable
real-time systems.
Julio Medina.
Keynote on Model Based Engineering of Real-Time
Systems organized by SNART, The Swedish National Real-Time
Association. October 20th, 2010. Embedded Conference
Scandinavian .
JSimMAST: Simulador de sistemas de tiempo real
diseñados con paradigmas avanzados.
César Cuevas, Patricia López Martínez and José M. Drake.
Congreso Español de Informática (CEDI 2010), III
Simposio de Sistemas de Tiempo Real, Valencia, pp. 69-74,
September 2010, ISBN: 978-84-92812-64-6.
Revisión del DDS y sus capacidades para tiempo real.
Héctor Pérez Tijero, and J. Javier Gutiérrez.
Congreso Español de Informática (CEDI 2010), III
Simposio de Sistemas de Tiempo Real, Valencia, pp. 33-40,
September 2010, ISBN: 978-84-92812-64-6.
Model-Driven Design of Real-time Component-Based
Patricia López Martínez, César Cuevas and José M. Drake.
15th IEEE International Conference on Emerging
Technologies and Factory Automation, ETFA 2010, Bilbao,
September 2010, IEEE, ISBN:978-1-4244-6849-2.
New container services for the integration of
Component-based Applications on Complex Industrial
Laura Barros, Ángela del Barrio, Patricia López Martínez,
and José M. Drake.
15th IEEE International Conference on Emerging
Technologies and Factory Automation, ETFA 2010, Bilbao,
September 2010, IEEE, ISBN:978-1-4244-6849-2.
RT-D&C: Deployment Specification of Real-Time
Component-Based Applications.
Patricia López Martínez, César Cuevas and José M. Drake.
36th Euromicro Conference on Software
Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA 2010), Lille,
France, September 2010, ISBN 978-0-7695-4170-9, pp. 147-155.
Bandwidth Isolation for Composability in Fixed Priority
Real-Time Networks.
Daniel Sangorrin and Michael González Harbour.
9th International Workshop on Real-Time Networks
RTN'2010, Bruselas, July, 2010.
Optimized Deadline Assignment and Schedulability
Analysis for Distributed Real-Time Systems with Local EDF
Juan M. Rivas, J. Javier Gutiérrez, J. Carlos Palencia, and
Michael González Harbour.
8th International Conference on Embedded Systems
and Applications, ESA'2010, Las Vegas (Nevada, USA), July
Model Based schedulability analysis with MAST, and The
UML profile for MARTE.
Julio Medina.
Invited Talk in WATERS, 1st International
Workshop on Analysis Tools and Methodologies for Embedded
and Real-time Systems. July 6th, 2010. Workshop held in
conjunction to ECRTS 2010.
Scheduling Configuration of Real-Time Component-Based
Patricia López Martínez, Laura Barros and José M. Drake.
15th Int. Conf. On Reliable Software
Technologies, Ada-Europe'2010, Valencia (Spain), in Lecture
Notes in Computer Science, LNCS Vol. 6106, pp. 181-195, June
Managing Transactions in Flexible Distributed Real-Time
Daniel Sangorrín, Michael González Harbour, Héctor Pérez,
and J. Javier Gutiérrez.
15th Int. Conf. On Reliable Software
Technologies, Ada-Europe'2010, Valencia (Spain), in Lecture
Notes in Computer Science, LNCS Vol. 6106, pp. 251-264, June
Defects of the POSIX Sporadic Server and How to Correct
Mark Stanovich, Theodore Baker, Andy Wang and Michael
González Harbour.
16th IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and
Applications Symposium. Stockholm, Sweden, April, 2010.
Support for a Real-Time Transactional Model in
Distributed Ada.
Héctor Pérez Tijero, J. Javier Gutiérrez, and Michael
González Harbour.
14th International Real-Time Ada Workshop
(IRTAW), Porto Venere (Italy), ACM SIGAda Ada Letters,
Volume XXX, Number 1 pp. 91-103, April 2010.
Generating heterogeneous executable specifications in
SystemC from UML/MARTE models.
P. Peñil, J. Medina, H. Posadas and E. Villar.
Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering,
Volume 6, Numbers 1-2, March 2010. Springer London, ISSN
1614-5046 (Print) 1614-5054 (Online) pp 65-71.
Optimized Deadline Assignment for Tasks and Messages in
Distributed Real-Time Systems.
Juan M. Rivas, J. Javier Gutiérrez, J. Carlos Palencia, and
Michael González Harbour.
Technical Report, February 2010.
xCCM: Plataforma RT-Linux para aplicaciones de
tiempo-real basadas en componentes.
Ángela del Barrio, Laura Barros, Patricia López Martínez y
José M. Drake.
XIII Jornadas de Tiempo Real, Granada, February
2010, ISBN: 978‐84‐92757‐51‐0, pp. 21-33.
PDF in Spanish]
MAST 2: Nueva revisión del modelo de tiempo real.
J.M. Drake, M. González Harbour, J.J. Gutiérrez, P. López
Martínez, J. Medina y J.C. Palencia.
XIII Jornadas de Tiempo Real, Granada, February
2010, ISBN: 978‐84‐92757‐51‐0, pp. 181-190.
PDF in Spanish]
Designing Secure Data Warehouses by Using MDA and QVT.
E. Soler, J. Trujillo, C. Blanco and E. Fernández-Medina
Journal of Universal Computer Science (JUCS)
15(8): 1608-1641 (2009).
Applying QVT in order to implement Secure Data
Warehouses in SQL Server Analysis Services.
C. Blanco, I. García-Rodríguez de Guzmán, D.G. Rosado, E.
Fernández-Medina and J. Trujillo
Journal of Research and Practice in Information
Technology (JRPIT), 41(2), 135-154 (2009).
Proposal of a set of reports for Students’ Tracking and
Assessing in e-Learning Platforms.
Zorrilla, M.E. and Álvarez, E.E.
Monitoring and Assessment in Online
Collaborative Environments: Emergent Computational
Technologies for E-Learning Support. Ángel A. Juan et al.
(Eds), IGI Global. 2009. ISBN: 9781605667867.
Data warehouse technology for E-learning.
Zorrilla, M.
Studies in Computational Intelligence vol: 225
pp.: 1-20. 2009.
Moving objects forecast in image sequences using
autoregressive algorithms.
José Luis Crespo, Marta E. Zorrilla, Pilar Bernardos and
Eduardo Mora.
The Visual Computer 25(4): 309-323 (2009). JCR:
0.786 Q3.
Experience in Integrating Interchangeable Scheduling
Policies into a Distribution Middleware for Ada.
Héctor Pérez, and J. Javier Gutiérrez.
SIGAda 2009, ACM SIGAda Annual International
Conference on Ada and Related Technologies, November 2009,
ACM, ISBN 978-1-60558-475-1, pp. 73-78.
Spare Capacity Distribution Using Exact Response-Time
Attila Zabos, Robert I. Davis, Alan Burns, and Michael
González Harbour.
17th International Conference on Real-Time and
Network Systems, Paris, France, October, 2009.
Aplicación de las tecnologías de componentes al
desarrollo e integración de sistemas heterogéneos
distribuidos y abiertos.
Laura Barros, Ángela del Barrio, Patricia López, César
Cuevas, and José M. Drake.
VI Jornadas, JDARE 2009, Alicante, October 2009.
PDF in Spanish]
Enabling Model-Driven Schedulability Analysis in the
Development of Distributed Component-Based Real-Time
Patricia López Martínez, José M. Drake, and Julio L. Medina.
35th Euromicro Conference on Software
Engineering and Advanced Applications, Component-based
Software Engineering Track, Patras, Greece, August 2009,
IEEE, ISBN 978-0-7695-3784-9, pp. 109-112.
Attitude determination from a PS signals.
A.P. Nicolás, M. González Harbour, L. González-Vega, R.
Arnau, D. Bolado, M. Campo-Cossio, and A. Puras.
Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference
on Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and
Engineering, CMMSE, Gijón, Spain, July, 2009,
ISBN:978-84-612-9727-6, pp. 774,780.
Implementation of the Ada 2005 Task Dispatching Model
in MaRTE OS and GNAT.
Mario Aldea Rivas, Michael González Harbour, and José F.
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference
on Reliable Software, LNCS Volume 5570/2009, june, 2009,
ISBN:0302-9743, pp. 105,118.
How to Implement Multidimensional Security into OLAP
C. Blanco, E. Fernández-Medina, J. Trujillo and M. Piattini
Int. J. of Business Intelligence and Data Mining
(IJBIDM) 3(3): 255-276 (2008).
Orientaciones en el diseño y evaluación de un curso
virtual para la enseñanza de aplicaciones informáticas.
Elena E. Álvarez Saiz and Marta E. Zorrilla Pantaleón.
IEEE-RITA 3(2): 61-70 (2008).
Ada-CCM: Component-based Technology for Distributed
Real-Time Systems.
Patricia López Martínez, José M. Drake, Pablo Pacheco, and
Julio L. Medina.
11th International Symposium on Component-based
Software Engineering, CBSE 2008, Karlsruhe (Germany), in
Lecture Notes on Computer Science, Springer, LNCS 5282,
October, 2008, ISBN: 3-540-87890-4, pp. 334-350.
Real-time Extensions to the OMG’s“Deployment and
Configuration of Component-based Distributed Applications.
Patricia López Martínez, José M. Drake, and Julio L. Medina.
OMG's Ninth Workshop on Distributed Object
Computing for Real-time and Embedded Systems, July 14-16,
2008, Arlington, VA USA.
PDF Slides]
Integration of Flexible Real-Time Scheduling Services
in a LwCCM-Based Framework.
Jean-Louis Gilbert, Olivier Hachet, Jerome Chauvin, Patricia
López, José M. Drake, Julio Medina and Michael González
OMG's Ninth Workshop on Distributed Object
Computing for Real-time and Embedded Systems, July 14-16,
2008, Arlington, VA USA.
PDF Slides]
An Ada 2005 Technology for Distributed and Real-Time
Component-based Applications.
Patricia López Martínez, José M. Drake, Pablo Pacheco, and
Julio L. Medina.
13th International Conference on Reliable
Software Technologies, Ada-Europe, Venice (Italy), in
Lecture Notes on Computer Science, Springer, LNCS 5026,
June, 2008, ISBN: 3-540-68621-7, pp. 254-267.
Real-Time Distribution Middleware from the Ada
Héctor Pérez, J. Javier Gutiérrez, Daniel Sangorrín, and
Michael González Harbour.
13th International Conference on Reliable
Software Technologies, Ada-Europe, Venice (Italy), in
Lecture Notes on Computer Science, Springer, LNCS 5026,
June, 2008, ISBN: 3-540-68621-7.
Tecnología de componentes CCM basada en conectores.
Laura Barros, Patricia López, and José M. Drake.
XVI Jornadas de Concurrencia y Sistemas
Distribuidos, Albacete (Spain), June 2008.
PDF in Spanish]
Influence of different abstractions on the performance
analysis of distributed hard real-time systems.
S.Perathoner, E. Wandeler, L.Thiele, A.Hamann, S.Schliecker,
R.Henia, R.Racu, R.Ernst, M. G. Harbour.
Journal on Design Automation for Embedded
Systems, Springer, April, 2008, ISBN:ISSN: 0929-5585.
Operating System Support for Embedded Real-Time
Alfons Crespo, Ismael Ripoll, Michael González-Harbour, and
Giuseppe Lipari.
EURASIP Journal on Embedded Systems,
Volume 2008 (2008), February, 2008, ISBN:1687-3955, pp. 1,2.
Una aproximación dirigida por modelos para diseñar y
construir esquemas XML: Un caso de estudio.
Marta Zorrilla, Belén Vela and Esperanza Marcos.
Avances en Sistemas e Informática, Vol. 4, nº3.
(2007). ISSN: 1657-7663.
[Download PDF]
Towards Virtual Course Evaluation Using Web
Marta E. Zorrilla, D. Marín and Elena Álvarez.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4739, 2007, pp
Synoptic Maps Forecast Using Spatio-Temporal Models.
Jose Luis Crespo Fidalgo, Pilar Bernardos Llorente, Marta
Elena Zorrilla Pantaleon and Eduardo Mora Monte.
Lecture Notes In Computer Science. 4739, pp. 50
- 56. 2007.
A new image prediction model based on spatio-temporal
José Luis Crespo, Marta E. Zorrilla, Pilar Bernardos and
Eduardo Mora.
Visual Computer 23(6), pp: 419-431. (2007). JCR:
0.69 Q3.
Implementation of New Ada 2005 Real-Time Services in
Mario Aldea Rivas and José F. Ruiz.
Ada Europe 2007 Lecture Notes in Computer
Science Volume 4498, 2007, pp 29-40
Influence of different system abstractions on the
performance analysis of distributed realtime systems.
S.Perathoner, E.Wandeler, L.Thiele, A.Hamann, S.Schliecker,
R.Henia, R.Eacu, R.Ernst, and M. González Harbour.
Proceedings of the 7th ACM&IEEE
international Conference on Embedded Software, EMSOFT 2007,
October, 2007, ISBN:978-1-59593-825-1, pp. 193,202.
Integration of a flexible time triggered network in the
FRESCOR resource contracting framework.
R. Marau, L. Almeida, P. Pedreiras, M. González Harbour, D.
Sangorrín, and Julio Medina.
12th IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies
and Factory Automation, ETFA, Patras, Greece, September,
Enhancing a Hard Real-Time Ethernet Protocol to support
Distributed Contract-Based Bandwidth Reservation.
Daniel Sangorrín, and Michael González Harbour.
Congreso Español de Informática (CEDI 2007), II
Simposio de Sistemas de Tiempo Real, Zaragoza, September
RT-CCM: Tecnología de componentes de tiempo real basada
en Ada 2005.
P.López, P.Pacheco, J.L.Medina, and J.M.Drake.
Congreso Español de Informática (CEDI 2007), II
Simposio de Sistemas de Tiempo Real, Zaragoza, September
PDF in Spanish]
CORBA & DSA: Análisis y evaluación de sus
implementaciones desde la perspectiva de los sistemas de
tiempo real.
Héctor Pérez Tijero, and J. Javier Gutiérrez.
Congreso Español de Informática (CEDI 2007), II
Simposio de Sistemas de Tiempo Real, Zaragoza, September
PDF in Spanish]
Integration of a Flexible Network in a Resource
Contracting Framework.
R. Marau, L. Almeida, P. Pedreiras, M. González Harbour, D.
Sangorrín, and J. Medina.
IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and
Applications Symposium, WiP session, Bellevue, WA, USA,
April 2007.
Operating System Support for Execution Time Budgets for
Tread Groups.
Mario Aldea Rivas and Michael González Harbour.
13th International Real-Time Ada Workshop
(IRTAW), Woodstock, VT, USA, April 2007.
A Modeling Approach for the Timing Verification of COTS
Components-based Distributed Hard Real-Time Systems.
Julio L. Medina, Patricia López, José M. Drake, François
Terrier and Sèbastien Gerard.
Workshop on Models and Analysis for Automotive
Systems (RTSS2006-WMAAS), held in conjuntion with the
RTSS-2006, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, December 2006.
Towards a UML-Based Modeling Standard for Scedulability
Analisys of Real-Time Systems.
H. Espinoza, J. Medina, H. Dubois, F. Terrier, and S.
International Workshop on Modeling and Analysis
of Real-Time Embedded Systems at MODELS'06, ISBN:
82-73-68-299-4, Genova (Italy), October 2006.
Towards a UML Profile for Real-Time Modelling of
Component-Based Distributed Embedded Systems.
Julio L. Medina, Patricia López and José M. Drake.
IX Forum on Specification and Design Languages,
Darmstadt, Germany, September 2006, ISSN 1636-9874.
Real-Time Modelling of Distributed Component-Based
Patricia López, Julio L. Medina and José M. Drake.
32th Euromicro Conference on Software
Engineering and Advanced Applications, Component-based
Software Engineering Track, Cavtat, Croacia, August 2006,
IEEE, ISBN 0-7695-25-94-6, pp. 92-99.
Interchangeable Scheduling Policies in Real-Time
Middleware for Distribution.
Juan López Campos, J. Javier Gutiérrez and M. González
11th International Conference on Reliable
Software Technologies, Ada-Europe, Porto (Portugal), in
Lecture Notes on Computer Science, Springer, LNCS 4006,
June, 2006, ISBN:3-540-34663-5, pp. 227-240.
Metamodelo UML para el modelado de tiempo real de
aplicaciones distribuidas basadas en componentes.
Patricia López, José M. Drake and Julio L. Medina.
XIV Jornadas de Concurrencia y Sistemas
Distribuidos, San Sebastián, Spain, June 2006.
FSF: A Real-Time Scheduling Architecture Framework.
M. Aldea, G. Bernat, I. Broster, A. Burns, R. Dobrin, J. M.
Drake, G. Fohler, P. Gai, M. González Harbour, G. Guidi,
J.J. Gutiérrez, T. Lennvall, G. Lipari, J.M. Martínez, J.L.
Medina, J.C. Palencia, M. Trimarchi.
12th IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and
Applications Symposium, RTAS 2006, San Jose (CA, USA), IEEE,
April, 2006.
En busca de la integración de herramientas de tiempo
real a través de un modelo abierto.
J.M. Drake, M. González Harbour, J.J.Gutiérrez, J.L.Medina
and J.C.Palencia.
Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e
Informática Industrial (RIAI), CEA, IFAC, ISSN 1697-7912,
Vol.3, Num.2, pp 28-39, April, 2006.
Análisis de la Aplicación de la Especificación de
Despliegue y Configuración del OMG a Sistemas de Tiempo
Real Basados en Componentes.
Patricia López Martínez, Julio L. Medina Pasaje and José
Actas de IX Jornadas de Tiempo Real,
Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas y Automática.
Universidad de Valladolid, February, 2006.
Annotating UML Models with Non-functional Properties for
Quantitative Analysis.
Huáscar Espinoza, Hubert Dubois, Sébastien Gérard, Julio
Medina, Dorina C. Petriu and Murray Woodside.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 3844,
ISBN:3-540-31780-5, pp.79 - 90. Springer-Verlag, January,
Meteorological Image Descriptors.
José Luis Crespo, Marta E. Zorrilla, Pilar Bernardos and
Eduardo Mora. .
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3643, pp
101-110 (2005) JCR: 0.402 Q4.
Web Usage Mining Project for Improving Web-based
Learning Sites.
M. Zorrilla, E. Menasalvas, D. Marín, E. Mora and J.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3643 pp
205-210 (2005) JCR: 0.402 Q4.
Response Time Analysis of EDF Distributed Real-Time
J.C. Palencia and M. González Harbour.
Journal of Embedded Computing (JEC), IOS Press,
Vol. 1, Issue 2, November, 2005.
A General Structure for the Analysis Framework of the
UML MARTE Profile.
Huáscar Espinoza, Hubert Dubois, Julio Medina y Sébastien
Workshop MARTES: Modeling and Analysis of
Real-Time and Embedded Systems, Montego Bay – Jamaica,
October, 2005.
Metodología de modelado de sistemas de tiempo real
orientada a la componibilidad.
Julio L. Medina, Patricia López Martínez and José M. Drake.
I Simposio de Sistemas de Tiempo Real, en CEDI
2005, Granada, Spain, September 2005.
PDF in Spanish]
Control de los efectos del retraso en sistemas de tiempo
real planificados con EDF.
José Luis Lorente and J.C. Palencia.
I Simposio de Sistemas de Tiempo Real, en CEDI
2005, Granada, Spain, September 2005.
PDF in Spanish]
Caracterización temporal de los servicios del sistema
operativo de tiempo real MaRTE OS.
Marta Alonso, Mario Aldea Rivas and M. González Harbour.
I Simposio de Sistemas de Tiempo Real, en CEDI
2005, Granada, Spain, September 2005.
PDF in Spanish]
Middleware de distribución y modelo transaccional en
sistemas de tiempo real.
J. Javier Gutiérrez, M. González Harbour and Juan López
XIII Jornadas de Concurrencia y Sistemas
Distribuidos, en CEDI 2005, Granada, Spain, September 2005.
PDF in Spanish]
Adding Contract-Based Reservation Services to a Hard
Real-Time Ethernet Protocol.
Michael González Harbour, José María Martínez, Juan López
Campos, J. Javier Gutiérrez, and Julio L. Medina.
4th International Workshop on Real-Time
Networks, RTN 05, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, July 2005.
RT-EP: A Fixed-Priority Real Time Communication Protocol
over Standard Ethernet.
José María Martínez, and M. González Harbour.
10th International Conference on Reliable
Software Technologies, Ada-Europe, York (UK), in Lecture
Notes on Computer Science, Springer, LNCS 3555, June, 2005,
ISBN:3-540-26286-5, pp. 180-195
Integrating Application-Defined Scheduling with the New
Dispatching Policies for Ada Tasks.
Mario Aldea, Javier Miranda, and Michael González Harbour.
10th International Conference on Reliable
Software Technologies, Ada-Europe, York (UK), in Lecture
Notes on Computer Science, Springer, LNCS 3555, June, 2005,
ISBN:3-540-26286-5, pp. 220-235.
A New Generalized Approach to Application-Defined
Mario Aldea Rivas and M. González Harbour.
Proceedings of 16th Euromicro Conference on
Real-Time Systems (WiP), Catania, Sicily (Italy), July 2004.
CAN-RT-TOP: Real-Time Task-Oriented Protocol over CAN
for Analyzable Distributed Applications.
Juan López Campos, J. Javier Gutiérrez and M. González
3rd International Workshop on Real-Time Networks
(formerly RTLIA), Catania, Sicily (Italy), July 2004.
Implementing an Application-Defined Scheduling Framework
for Ada Tasking.
Mario Aldea Rivas, J. Miranda and M. González Harbour.
9th International Conference on Reliable
Software Technologies, Ada-Europe, Palma de Mallorca
(Spain), in Lecture Notes on Computer Science, Springer,
LNCS 3063, June, 2004, ISBN:3-540-22011-9, pp. 283-296.
The Chance for Ada to Support Distribution and Real-Time
in Embedded Systems.
Juan López Campos, J. Javier Gutiérrez and M. González
9th International Conference on Reliable
Software Technologies, Ada-Europe, Palma de Mallorca
(Spain), in Lecture Notes on Computer Science, Springer,
LNCS 3063, June, 2004, ISBN:3-540-22011-9, pp. 91-105.
Sim_MAST: Simulador de Sistemas Distribuidos de Tiempo
Patricia López Martínez, Julio Luis Medina, and José M.
XII Jornadas de Concurrencia y Sistemas
Distribuidos, Las Navas del Marqués (ávila), Spain, June
PDF in Spanish]
RT-GLADE: Implementación Optimizada para Tiempo Real del
Anexo de Sistemas Distribuidos de Ada 95.
Juan López Campos, J. Javier Gutiérrez and M. González
XII Jornadas de Concurrencia y Sistemas
Distribuidos, Las Navas del Marqués (ávila), Spain, June
PDF in Spanish]
The "UML Profile for Schedulability, Performance and
Time" in the Schedulability Analysis and Modeling of
Real-Time Distributed Systems.
Julio Luis Medina, M. González Harbour and José M. Drake.
SIVOES-SPT Workshop on the usage of the UML
profile for Scheduling, Performance and Time, Toronto
(Canada), May, 2004.
Non-structured data management by means of object
relational database management systems.
ME Zorrilla, E Mora and JL Crespo.
Systems Analysis Modelling Simulation 43 (9),
1173-1187. 2003.
Preprocessing phase in the Pietsi project.
JL Crespo, P. Bernardos, ME Zorrilla and E Mora.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2809, 651-659.
Response Time Analysis for Tasks Scheduled under EDF
within Fixed Priorities.
M. González Harbour and J.C. Palencia.
Proceedings of the 24th IEEE Real-Time Systems
Symposium, Cancún, México, December, 2003.
Entorno CASE para desarrollo de sistemas de tiempo real.
Julio Luis Medina, Patricia López Martínez and José M. Drake
VIII Jornadas de Ingeniería Software y Bases de
Datos, Alicante, November, 2003, ISBN: 84-688-3836-5.
PDF in Spanish]
Metodología de desarrollo de aplicaciones basadas en
componentes para automatización industrial.
Patricia López Martínez, Pedro Espeso, Julio Luis Medina and
José M. Drake.
XXIV Jornadas de Automática, León, September,
2003, ISBN: 84-931846-7-6.
PDF in Spanish]
Managing Multiple Execution-Time Timers from a Single
Michael González Harbour and Mario Aldea Rivas.
Proceedings of the 12th International Real-Time
Ada Workshop (IRTAW), Viana do Castelo, Portugal, September,
Application-Defined Scheduling in Ada.
Mario Aldea Rivas and Michael González Harbour.
Proceedings of the 12th International Real-Time
Ada Workshop (IRTAW), Viana do Castelo, Portugal, September,
Evaluation of New POSIX Real-Time Operating Systems
Services for Small Embedded Platforms.
M. Aldea Rivas and M. González Harbour.
Proceedings of the 15th Euromicro Conference on
Real-Time Systems, ECRTS, Porto, Portugal, July, 2003,
ISBN:0-7695-1936-9, pp. 161-168.
Offset-Based Response Time Analysis of Distributed
Systems Scheduled under EDF.
J.C. Palencia and M. González Harbour.
Proceedings of the 15th Euromicro Conference on
Real-Time Systems, ECRTS, Porto, Portugal, July, 2003,
ISBN:0-7695-1936-9, pp. 3-12.
RT-EP: Real-Time Ethermet Protocol for Analyzable
Distributed Applications on a Minimum Real-Time POSIX
José María Martínez, M. González Harbour and J. Javier
2nd International Workshop on Real-Time LANs in
the Internet Age, RTLIA 2003, July 2003.
A Round Robin Scheduling Policy for Ada.
A. Burns, M. González Harbour, and A.J. Wellings.
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference
on Reliable Software Technologies, Ada-Europe, in Lecture
Notes on Computer Science, Springer, LNCS 2655, June, 2003,
ISBN:3-540-40376-0, pp. 334-343.
A Proposal to integrate the POSIX Execution-Time Clocks
into Ada 95.
J. Miranda and M. González Harbour.
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference
on Reliable Software Technologies, Ada-Europe, in Lecture
Notes on Computer Science, Springer, LNCS 2655, June, 2003,
ISBN:3-540-40376-0, pp. 344-358.
El "UML Profile for Schedulability, Performance and
Time" en la representación de sistemas distribuidos de
tiempo real.
J.L. Medina, M. González Harbour, and J.M. Drake.
Actas de la XI Jornada Técnica de Ada-Spain,
Madrid, April, 2003.
PDF in Spanish]
Application-Defined Scheduling in Ada.
Mario Aldea Rivas and Michael González Harbour.
11th International Real-Time Ada Workshop
(IRTAW), Mount Tremblant, Canada, ACM Ada-Letters, Vol.
XXII, Nº 4, pp. 77-84, December 2002.
Modeling and Schedulability Analysis in the Development
of Real-Time Distributed Ada Systems.
J. Javier Gutiérrez, J.M. Drake, M. González Harbour, and
J.L. Medina.
11th International Real-Time Ada Workshop
(IRTAW), Mount Tremblant, Canada, ACM Ada-Letters, Vol.
XXII, Nº 4, pp. 58-65, December 2002.
MAST: An Open Environment for Modeling, Analysis, and
Design of Real-Time Systems.
M. González Harbour, J.L. Medina, J.J. Gutiérrez, J.C.
Palencia, and J.M. Drake.
1st CARTS Workshop, Aranjuez, Spain, October
PDF] [Download
Poster 1] [Download
Poster 2]
POSIX-Compatible Application-Defined Scheduling in MaRTE
Mario Aldea Rivas and Michael González Harbour.
Proceedings of 14th Euromicro Conference on
Real-Time Systems, Vienna, Austria, IEEE Computer Society
Press, pp. 67-75, June 2002.
A Multipoint Communication Protocol based on Ethermet
for Analyzable Distributed Real-Time Applications.
José María Martínez, M. González Harbour and J. Javier
1st International Workshop on Real-Time LANs in
the Internet Age, RTLIA 2002, June 2002.
Modeling and Schedulability Analysis of Hard Real-Time
Distributed Systems Based on Ada Components.
J.L. Medina, J. Javier Gutiérrez, J.M. Drake, and M.
González Harbour.
International Conference on Reliable Software
Technologies, Ada-Europe 2002, Vienna, Austria, in Lecture
Notes in Computer Science No. 2361, pp.282-296, June 2002.
A POSIX-Ada Interface for Application-Defined
Mario Aldea Rivas and Michael González Harbour.
International Conference on Reliable Software
Technologies, Ada-Europe 2002, Vienna, Austria, in Lecture
Notes in Computer Science No. 2361, pp.136-150, June 2002.
Entorno para el Diseño de Sistemas Basados en
Componentes de Tiempo Real.
J.M. Drake, J.L. Medina and M. González Harbour.
X Jornadas de Concurrencia, Jaca (Huesca),
Spain, June 2002.
ADA-Mast: Herramienta para el Desarrollo de Aplicaciones
Ada Distribuidas de Tiempo Real.
J.L. Medina, J.M. Drake, J. Javier Gutiérrez and M. González
X Jornadas de Concurrencia, Jaca (Huesca),
Spain, June 2002.
An Online Information Retrieval Systems by means of
Artificial Neural Networks.
Marta E. Zorrilla, José Luis Crespo and Eduardo Mora.
Lecture notes in Computer Science 2178, pp
343-351. (2001) JCR: 0.415 Q3.
MAST Real-Time View: A Graphic UML Tool for Modeling
Object-Oriented Real-Time Systems.
J.L. Medina, M. González Harbour, and J.M. Drake.
Proceedings of the 22nd IEEE Real-Time Systems
Symposium (RTSS 2001), London, UK, IEEE Computer Society
Press, pp. 245-256, December 2001.
UML-MAST:Modeling and Analysis Methodology for Real_Time
Systems Developed with UML CASE Tool.
J.L. Medina, J.M. Drake, and M. González Harbour.
Proceedings of the Fourth International Forum on
Design Languages:FDL’01, Lyon, France, September 2001.
UML-Mast: Una metodología de Análisis y Diseño de Tiempo
Real de Sistemas Orientados a Objetos Descritos con UML.
J.L. Medina, J.M. Drake, and M. González Harbour.
IX Jornadas de Concurrencia, Sitges (Barcelona),
Spain, June 2001.
PDF in Spanish]
MAST: Modeling and Analysis Suite for Real Time
M. González Harbour, J.J. Gutiérrez García, J.C. Palencia
Gutiérrez, and J.M. Drake Moyano.
Proceedings of 13th Euromicro Conference on
Real-Time Systems, Delft, The Netherlands, IEEE Computer
Society Press, pp. 125-134, June 2001.
POSIX-Compatible Application-Defined Scheduling in MaRTE
Mario Aldea Rivas and Michael González Harbour.
Proceedings of 13th Euromicro Conference on
Real-Time Systems (WiP), Delft, The Netherlands, June 2001.
PDF] [Download
MaRTE OS: An Ada Kernel for Real-Time Embedded
Mario Aldea Rivas and Michael González Harbour.
International Conference on Reliable Software
Technologies, Ada-Europe-2001, Leuven, Belgium, LNCS, May
Extending Ada's Real-Time Systems Annex with the POSIX
Scheduling Services.
Mario Aldea Rivas and Michael González Harbour.
10th International Real-Time Ada Workshop
(IRTAW), Las Navas del Marqués (ávila), Spain, ACM Ada
Letters, March 2001.
Towards a Real-Time Distributed Systems Annex in Ada.
J. J. Gutiérrez García and Michael González Harbour.
10th International Real-Time Ada Workshop
(IRTAW), Las Navas del Marqués (ávila), Spain, ACM Ada
Letters, March 2001.
Distributed Simulation with Multimedia Interface.
Pedro Corcuera, Mario Garcés, Eduardo Mora and Marta
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1798 pp.
334-342 (2000) JCR: 0.39 Q3.
Vertical Partitioning Algorithms in Distributed
M. E. Zorrilla, E. Mora, P. Corcuera and J. Fernández.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1798 pp.
465-474. (2000) JCR: 0.39 Q3.
Herramientas para el Análisis de Tiempo Real Estricto de
Sistemas Automáticos de Producción.
J.M. Drake, J.L. Medina and M. González Harbour.
Actas de las XXI Jornadas de Automática,
Sevilla, Spain, September 2000.
PDF in Spanish]
Portal Crane Specification in Ada.
Maite Veiga, Michael González Harbour and Eugenio Villar.
In G. Gorla, W. Nebel, E. Moser, and E. Villar,
"System Specification Experiments on a Common Benchmark",
IEEE Design&Test of Computers, July 2000.
Schedulability Analysis of Distributed Hard Real-Time
Systems with Multiple- Event Synchronization.
J. J. Gutiérrez García, J.C. Palencia Gutiérrez and M.
González Harbour.
Proceedings of 12th Euromicro Conference on
Real-Time Systems, Stockholm (Sweden), IEEE Computer Society
Press, pp. 15-24, June 2000.
Early Experience with an Implementation of the POSIX.13
Minimal Real-Time Operating System for Embedded
Mario Aldea Rivas and Michael González Harbour.
Proceedings of 25th IFAC Workshop on Real-Time
Programming, WRTP'2000, Real-Time Programming 2000, Elsevier
Science, 2000.
A Framework for Developing Distributed Hard Real-Time
J. J. Gutiérrez García and Michael González Harbour.
Proceedings of 25th IFAC Workshop on Real-Time
Programming, WRTP'2000, Real-Time Programming 2000, Elsevier
Science, 2000.
Exploiting Precedence Relations in the Schedulability
Analysis of Distributed Real-Time Systems.
J. C. Palencia Gutiérrez and M. González Harbour.
Proceedings of the 20th Real-Time Systems
Symposium, IEEE Computer Society Press, pp 328-339, December
Prioritizing Remote Procedure Calls in Ada Distributed
J. J. Gutiérrez García and M. González Harbour.
9th International Real-Time Ada Workshop
(IRTAW), Tallahassee, USA, ACM Ada-Letters, Vol. XIX, Nº 2,
pp. 67-72, June 1999.
Schedulability Analysis for Tasks with Static and
Dynamic Offsets.
J. C. Palencia Gutiérrez and M. González Harbour.
Proceedings of the 19th Real-Time Systems
Symposium, IEEE Computer Society Press, pp 26-37, December
Embedded system specification and design using Ada and
E. Villar, M. Veiga and M. González Harbour.
First International Forum on Design Languages
FDL'98, Lusanne, Suiza, September 1998.
PINROB: A Portable API for Industrial Robots.
M. González Harbour, R. Gómez Somarriba, A. Strohmeier and
J. Jacot.
International Conference on Reliable Software
Technologies, Ada-Europe'98, Uppsala, Sweden, in Lecture
Notes in Computer Science No. 1411, pp. 151-162, June 1998.
Implementing and Using Execution Time Clocks in Ada Hard
Real-Time Applications.
M. González Harbour, M. Aldea Rivas, J. J. Gutiérrez García
and J. C. Palencia Gutiérrez.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1411, Reliable
Software Technologies Ada-Europe'98, Springer Verlag, pp.
91-101, June 1998.
Best-Case Analysis for Improving the Worst-Case
Schedulability Test for Distributed Hard Real-Time
J. C. Palencia Gutiérrez, J. J. Gutiérrez García y M.
González Harbour.
Proceedings of 10th Euromicro Workshop on
Real-Time Systems, IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 35-44,
June 1998.
Implementación en el nivel de aplicación de servidores
esporádicos en Ada 95.
M. González Harbour, J.J. Gutiérrez García and J.C. Palencia
Revista Spada, nº35, pp. 19-28, January 1998.
PDF in Spanish]
Tostadores y POSIX.
Novática, nº 129, pp. 45-59, October 1997.
PDF in Spanish]
Análisis y planificación de sistemas distribuidos de
tiempo real estricto.
J.J. Gutiérrez García and Michael González Harbour.
Novática, nº 129, pp. 31-36, October 1997.
PDF in Spanish]
Implementing robot controllers under Real-Time POSIX and
M. González Harbour, J.M. Drake Moyano, M. Aldea Rivas and
J. García Fernández.
ACM Ada Letters, Vol. XVII, Num. 5, pp. 57-64,
September 1997.
Implementing Application-Level Sporadic Server
Schedulers in Ada 95.
M. González Harbour, J.J. Gutiérrez García and J.C. Palencia
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1251, Reliable
Software Technologies Ada-Europe'97, Springer Verlag, pp.
125-136, June 1997.
On the Schedulability Analysis for Distributed Hard
Real-Time Systems.
J.C. Palencia Gutiérrez, J.J. Gutiérrez García and M.
González Harbour.
Proceedings of 9th Euromicro Workshop on
Real-Time Systems, IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 136-143,
June 1997.
A Two-Level Programming Strategy for Distributed
D. Conde, R. Menéndez, M. González Harbour and J. A.
Microprocessing and Microprogramming 41, pp.
541-554, 1996.
Minimizing the Effects of Jitter in Distributed Hard
Real-Time Systems.
J.J. Gutiérrez García y M. González Harbour.
Journal of Systems Architecture 42, pp. 431-447,
October 1996.
Increasing Schedulability in Distributed Hard Real-Time
J.J. Gutiérrez García and M. González Harbour.
Proceedings of 7th Euromicro Workshop on
Real-Time Systems, IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 99-106,
June 1995.
Optimized Priority Assignment for Tasks and Messages in
Distributed Hard Real-Time Systems.
J.J. Gutiérrez García and Michael González Harbour.
Proceedings of 3rd Workshop on Parallel and
Distributed Real-Time Systems, IEEE Computer Society Press,
pp. 124-132, April 1995.
Shared Memory Multimicroprocessor Operating System with
an Extended Petri Net Model.
F. Vallejo, J.A. Gregorio, M. González Harbour and J.M.
IEEE Trans. on Parallel and Distributed Systems,
Vol. 5, Nº 7, pp. 749-762, July 1994.
Timing Analysis for Fixed Priority Scheduling of Hard
Real Time Systems.
M. González Harbour, M. Klein and J. Lehoczky.
IEEE Trans. on Software Engineering, Vol. 20, Nº
1, pp. 13-28, January 1994.
POSIX de Tiempo Real.
M. González Harbour.
Revista Spada, pp. 13-24, October 1993.
PDF in Spanish]
Real-time POSIX: an Overview.
M. González Harbour.
VVConex 93 International Conference, Moscú,
June, 1993.
A Global Approach for Programming Distributed
Multimicroprocessor Systems.
D. Conde, J. A. Gregorio and M. González Harbour.
Proceedings of the 11th IASTED International
Conference on Applied Informatics, pp. 241-244, 1993.
A laboratory for microprocessor teaching at different
F. Vallejo, J.A. Gregorio and M. González Harbour.
IEEE Trans. on Education,VOL. 35, Nº 3, Agosto,
1992, pp. 199-204, August 1992.
Fixed priority scheduling of periodic task with varying
execution priority.
M. González Harbour, M. Klein and J. Lehoczky.
Proceedings of the IEEE Real time Systems
Symposium , San Antonio, TX, USA, pp. 116,128, December
Strategy for programming of multiple-Microprocessor
systems in industrial control applications.
M. Granda, F. Vallejo, M. González Harbour, J.A. Gregorio
and J.M. Drake.
IMACS Symposium on Modelling and Control of
Technological Systems. Lille, Vol.1, pp. 644-650, May 1991.